tx · HKVvFa71rRfpThC3Nww31mcakkQtfbF7SxKpxNsJtakB

3PBAkAZnVYpmfpDTSc4mkuXQWwj5bJDfmhr:  +100.000000 Power Fire
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2017.10.13 07:18 [706543] issue 3PBAkAZnVYpmfpDTSc4mkuXQWwj5bJDfmhr > SELF +100.000000 Power Fire

{ "type": 3, "id": "HKVvFa71rRfpThC3Nww31mcakkQtfbF7SxKpxNsJtakB", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1507868288064, "version": 1, "sender": "3PBAkAZnVYpmfpDTSc4mkuXQWwj5bJDfmhr", "senderPublicKey": "4Amfi2awo3CG7xK8kbzcgTzH7S43vLR6KenWJRX7iKtc", "proofs": [ "5UgRw4qEFbwzYaQy12PG89uMqV6YruWjaS8L5hGFmc16bZPBTBqr5EmaX3KeRrWSEQ88CZTLLVAmnW76fYAqQqXA" ], "signature": "5UgRw4qEFbwzYaQy12PG89uMqV6YruWjaS8L5hGFmc16bZPBTBqr5EmaX3KeRrWSEQ88CZTLLVAmnW76fYAqQqXA", "assetId": "HKVvFa71rRfpThC3Nww31mcakkQtfbF7SxKpxNsJtakB", "name": "Power Fire", "quantity": 100000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 6, "description": "A percentage % of start up business. There is only 100%.\nThe plan is:\n1. Apply for planning permission at suitable land.\n2. Buy cheep land in the UK and build a GAS power station.\n3. We can do mining to turn electricity into money at extra profit, or just sell electricity to the grid in case mining is not profitable.\n4. Pay dividends.", "height": 706543, "spentComplexity": 0 }

70.33 ms