tx · A9kvBg3fhGWdf8rZtzn1H233J9XVygAyJn55KhWNLVkr

3PJvsyn6dTFyCN8szYgB6WtMRfCM5GWqtHp:  +370000000.0000000 Max Fennell & CO
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2017.10.27 06:32 [725898] issue 3PJvsyn6dTFyCN8szYgB6WtMRfCM5GWqtHp > SELF +370000000.0000000 Max Fennell & CO

{ "type": 3, "id": "A9kvBg3fhGWdf8rZtzn1H233J9XVygAyJn55KhWNLVkr", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1509075017951, "version": 1, "sender": "3PJvsyn6dTFyCN8szYgB6WtMRfCM5GWqtHp", "senderPublicKey": "3sTs3BBYxQvz6Yx9gzJzqXVuyMCGVmUhNffAU7hCcMCA", "proofs": [ "2QhJgRVWixuJ21x2SS9TPzPk5ybgkyfuXan2cjJQ7q1ARQd8KnVu5TnNMyXyPTBnB7iRaiawDD9L6eAWik4JTj2X" ], "signature": "2QhJgRVWixuJ21x2SS9TPzPk5ybgkyfuXan2cjJQ7q1ARQd8KnVu5TnNMyXyPTBnB7iRaiawDD9L6eAWik4JTj2X", "assetId": "A9kvBg3fhGWdf8rZtzn1H233J9XVygAyJn55KhWNLVkr", "name": "Max Fennell & CO", "quantity": 3700000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 7, "description": "This Token was created by max Fennell himself. Holding and exchanging this token for payment represents the value of Max Fennell and his companies asset growth and branding value. This is an exclusive token and that is represented in the exclusivity and number that will ever be in circulation. Only 370,000,000", "height": 725898, "spentComplexity": 0 }

58.11 ms