tx · 2u6a5jCyKB864E1X34zgnbiSNE72yYsVX43tYnGKgtjF

3P7XmHMJCQe5HfkERZD8EMtrHSGvgdtPjzQ:  +250000000.00000000 TALENTUM
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2017.12.29 06:12 [813543] issue 3P7XmHMJCQe5HfkERZD8EMtrHSGvgdtPjzQ > SELF +250000000.00000000 TALENTUM

{ "type": 3, "id": "2u6a5jCyKB864E1X34zgnbiSNE72yYsVX43tYnGKgtjF", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1514517171916, "version": 1, "sender": "3P7XmHMJCQe5HfkERZD8EMtrHSGvgdtPjzQ", "senderPublicKey": "7zzQ1zhtsWJSpH153grxf8wdJ4r9KsH51U5Vgqxvmhan", "proofs": [ "3zttasZyb9uAL7iHEpnCZ3tHtHvWRyL9MBFaAwFkMMihxcpZpo7hfEt1SY9rWCEecEJth64rKWv2McE9GUM7wcCN" ], "signature": "3zttasZyb9uAL7iHEpnCZ3tHtHvWRyL9MBFaAwFkMMihxcpZpo7hfEt1SY9rWCEecEJth64rKWv2McE9GUM7wcCN", "assetId": "2u6a5jCyKB864E1X34zgnbiSNE72yYsVX43tYnGKgtjF", "name": "TALENTUM", "quantity": 25000000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 8, "description": "Talentum represents the right to use the Sintez Global processing center’s capacity, rent-free for 25 years, to accommodate 1 Watt’s worth of mining equipment power consumption. Talentum owners can use this capacity to accommodate their own miners or to rent it out to other users. Essentially, this is access to professional mining – with an extraordinarily low entrance threshold. Number of tokens required to accommodate one miner depends on its power consumption.", "height": 813543, "spentComplexity": 0 }

63.27 ms