tx · F9p6awVhLN89sMvgnUXAJWao2PZe8uEr1MPWamD84Um3

3P2a7JMcwsiykmGEtuxja28e1iSVpgF9M7p:  +1000000000.000000 Mocha Coin
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.01.19 11:18 [842753] issue 3P2a7JMcwsiykmGEtuxja28e1iSVpgF9M7p > SELF +1000000000.000000 Mocha Coin

{ "type": 3, "id": "F9p6awVhLN89sMvgnUXAJWao2PZe8uEr1MPWamD84Um3", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1516349899532, "version": 1, "sender": "3P2a7JMcwsiykmGEtuxja28e1iSVpgF9M7p", "senderPublicKey": "FK4L6MX3PoQPKbUF5iiYiW3vT9nQ8LhWRBz9LdDeMJ8H", "proofs": [ "43LGqXfZGwUrUzRYMJZHkjzaCbWQPPnnfkwMovrJzUNyrW4GLSD5HYSDhtw3iHKEwQfovp1FjTcUh7vGCsdX8u2C" ], "signature": "43LGqXfZGwUrUzRYMJZHkjzaCbWQPPnnfkwMovrJzUNyrW4GLSD5HYSDhtw3iHKEwQfovp1FjTcUh7vGCsdX8u2C", "assetId": "F9p6awVhLN89sMvgnUXAJWao2PZe8uEr1MPWamD84Um3", "name": "Mocha Coin", "quantity": 1000000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 6, "description": "Sauntering, skipping, and singing through the verdant lush landscapes of Northern California; homeward bound. Back to that cabin, back to the nest. Stepping through that door, a portal, breathes life back into the chilled soul. Get yourself a fire going, throw the kettle on that cast iron stove, bring it to a boil. Those beans ground, soaking, steeping, releasing their intoxicating aroma; permeating and bewildering. \n\nMocha coin aims to facilitate transparency and integrity through all facets of coffee-farmer to coffee-consumer transactions; from ground to mug. To ensure the daily grind brings pleasure, inspiration and peace of mind.", "height": 842753, "spentComplexity": 0 }

68.21 ms