tx · 5RVpGRhrYkuFpimdJnz9VesJnUN32PMUChXGGXo4Pw1Z

3P4GfuwuY9YQqmZ5JG932b55amPFCeZgJEr:  +300000000.00000000 3RBit
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.01.19 18:04 [843172] issue 3P4GfuwuY9YQqmZ5JG932b55amPFCeZgJEr > SELF +300000000.00000000 3RBit

{ "type": 3, "id": "5RVpGRhrYkuFpimdJnz9VesJnUN32PMUChXGGXo4Pw1Z", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1516374295948, "version": 1, "sender": "3P4GfuwuY9YQqmZ5JG932b55amPFCeZgJEr", "senderPublicKey": "7sDp1s3c1CqafjE44nn9fBcpem2Mwu2fV8nW8rK1sYmz", "proofs": [ "5w42zVacYkpW7oS9gzXUg9gbHs5L76VQf1gt27nxVXpQBhT3D7nCjABEZYtHRexqTV7jxVuCuebkH6ci2YUaCJ1u" ], "signature": "5w42zVacYkpW7oS9gzXUg9gbHs5L76VQf1gt27nxVXpQBhT3D7nCjABEZYtHRexqTV7jxVuCuebkH6ci2YUaCJ1u", "assetId": "5RVpGRhrYkuFpimdJnz9VesJnUN32PMUChXGGXo4Pw1Z", "name": "3RBit", "quantity": 30000000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 8, "description": "Token 3RBit seeks to provide financial resources, through the donation of Cryptocoin, to improve the work structure (tools, machines and architecture) of companies that act in the reduction, reuse and recycling of various types of products (non-organic or chemical) in companies , institutions or cooperatives anywhere in the world.\n\nWe imagine that Token 3RBit can be used by its owners to purchase products generated by participating companies. In this way, we will be building a circular economy in which everyone involved looks at the problem of discarding and can imagine a future with a better quality of life for the people who depend on it to survive. Token 3RBit aims to become a reference Cryptocoin for product reduction, reuse and recycling activities.\n\nVisit Website: www.3rbit.com", "height": 843172, "spentComplexity": 0 }

56.62 ms