tx · AwExRi3zarJYrDHBQqcn4WSMyGHtDkxtEEsGoL8b8XYd

3P7gwufuA3HRH2A3LsZni4ApahbKow8UfCc:  +3000000.00000000 DPInvestment
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.02.12 02:41 [875441] issue 3P7gwufuA3HRH2A3LsZni4ApahbKow8UfCc > SELF +3000000.00000000 DPInvestment

{ "type": 3, "id": "AwExRi3zarJYrDHBQqcn4WSMyGHtDkxtEEsGoL8b8XYd", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1518392523080, "version": 1, "sender": "3P7gwufuA3HRH2A3LsZni4ApahbKow8UfCc", "senderPublicKey": "D59eWi4a2iV7Aut9maHmyGzSL1pDEJ2Ar56shiuguFbh", "proofs": [ "3VDACr2ZbLZeNNkxeSFBVZkzYiM9TrFgMqc6f31pjAGFPwRrvJnLmPs77RySHbAYgXa9g4PakiLtuXwm6Py5rzKB" ], "signature": "3VDACr2ZbLZeNNkxeSFBVZkzYiM9TrFgMqc6f31pjAGFPwRrvJnLmPs77RySHbAYgXa9g4PakiLtuXwm6Py5rzKB", "assetId": "AwExRi3zarJYrDHBQqcn4WSMyGHtDkxtEEsGoL8b8XYd", "name": "DPInvestment", "quantity": 300000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 8, "description": "The initial sale of this asset is to be used for the purchase of US Consumer and Commercial Debt Portfolios and to uphold the growth of the asset. Our agency will collect upon the debt portfolios and increase our organizations capacity to perform. We will then in turn give asset holders a % of profits disbursed to them on a per-portfolio basis in one cryptocurrency form or another.\n\nThe sale of this asset will help run the small software development in place for the voting of certain issues, and will be used to growth and expansion efforts of our call center that is geared around the ARMS Industry in the USA. \n\nThe average purchase price of a debt portfolio from creditors is .07-.075 cents. Average liquidation is 22-24%. That is around 14% gross income per portfolio.\n\nReissuedable asset, but we will request whether to do so with the votes of the asset holders. Not to be reissued earlier then 5 years.", "height": 875441, "spentComplexity": 0 }

53.12 ms