tx · WrVuU3HF3Kz9f9YTWGdhURpYTBLS86rrhHqqb3KaW5M

3PBpngfs2yQY3GdJ2egWdYQHGtyd4mFdfUW:  +60000000.0000 NPCrypto Token
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.02.21 05:44 [888037] issue 3PBpngfs2yQY3GdJ2egWdYQHGtyd4mFdfUW > SELF +60000000.0000 NPCrypto Token

{ "type": 3, "id": "WrVuU3HF3Kz9f9YTWGdhURpYTBLS86rrhHqqb3KaW5M", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1519181141575, "version": 1, "sender": "3PBpngfs2yQY3GdJ2egWdYQHGtyd4mFdfUW", "senderPublicKey": "9HH6DhQCMEbKYciWGNpMG5kc9QYHxoWYg4BRutyH4Xug", "proofs": [ "4qgR5A4aTdq6vyhk4PteyEm2kUaZK8fmA3r8ooCk8HA1SX5Arsd78cRTeDU3MjoFqEkEcRQBcyYp9SgrJoVNRzXo" ], "signature": "4qgR5A4aTdq6vyhk4PteyEm2kUaZK8fmA3r8ooCk8HA1SX5Arsd78cRTeDU3MjoFqEkEcRQBcyYp9SgrJoVNRzXo", "assetId": "WrVuU3HF3Kz9f9YTWGdhURpYTBLS86rrhHqqb3KaW5M", "name": "NPCrypto Token", "quantity": 600000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 4, "description": "Non-Profit Crypto Foundation Token.\n\nCreating a revolutionizing platform for Donating to none profits orgs via a smart contract.\n\nWe allow a Donator to donate to a user in need using our token that acts as a medium to insure that donation goes to a specific cause or need. We will be launching a platform that manages these donations in on a exchange platform. Our platform will reject the token and it will be returned to the sender if the donation requirement is not met.", "height": 888037, "spentComplexity": 0 }

427.86 ms