tx · CkZ2PiHgUytMpu1k1318udjZtHXxjC9EtwUQ1Tv9anvE

3P4eJrvf9tDT9ndQgEEeH7i6WFqEpYhXNtC:  +1000000.00000 Limitless VC
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.02.22 17:08 [890086] issue 3P4eJrvf9tDT9ndQgEEeH7i6WFqEpYhXNtC > SELF +1000000.00000 Limitless VC

{ "type": 3, "id": "CkZ2PiHgUytMpu1k1318udjZtHXxjC9EtwUQ1Tv9anvE", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1519308540838, "version": 1, "sender": "3P4eJrvf9tDT9ndQgEEeH7i6WFqEpYhXNtC", "senderPublicKey": "9bhSB1FsGWjm4uDpPvSCzYhkZKNc4eAFBLGm2kYoVZ4Z", "proofs": [ "3rtFx1PEnud41rCBfnSA634rJcERTvGDezC7S9bSwcv71eksU5FdDoGZBroU7K2RBi7UDnMAH6oHK9QB8J1WqDHi" ], "signature": "3rtFx1PEnud41rCBfnSA634rJcERTvGDezC7S9bSwcv71eksU5FdDoGZBroU7K2RBi7UDnMAH6oHK9QB8J1WqDHi", "assetId": "CkZ2PiHgUytMpu1k1318udjZtHXxjC9EtwUQ1Tv9anvE", "name": "Limitless VC", "quantity": 100000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 5, "description": "Limitless Industrys LLC was forged by Block-chain technology, as such we are looking at different strategy to offer a ICO once the company in house developed technology are ready to be shown we will do a full ICO. This is a silent ICO, as limitless is still a silent in the shadows developing tech incubator. This will be the currency of the limitless virtual world dubbed " The World". It will be integrated into the worlds none biological intelligence network. This is a silent ICO as its too soon to tell if this or any current technology can support the requirements for a literal virtual version of are physical world.", "height": 890086, "spentComplexity": 0 }

116.64 ms