tx · 5AKSUVLQ1idfcHDorWuq2C2cbLSKwwv5d4Ba5XvffMKg

3P3BtcYe2uPbgiNT5GDu6hirFkWPN3AP4EJ:  +50000000000.00000000 E-REIT
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.02.24 06:52 [892309] issue 3P3BtcYe2uPbgiNT5GDu6hirFkWPN3AP4EJ > SELF +50000000000.00000000 E-REIT

{ "type": 3, "id": "5AKSUVLQ1idfcHDorWuq2C2cbLSKwwv5d4Ba5XvffMKg", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1519444487592, "version": 1, "sender": "3P3BtcYe2uPbgiNT5GDu6hirFkWPN3AP4EJ", "senderPublicKey": "r7HgLFuyGrkZ19Gv3pQJXGMQXxHTrNjnWPwzEDeeFT9", "proofs": [ "2LH9yuvMS4rdcCRn5QdYB9PDnCPBc7KK8wTnRxbPSkM9Tp6FDL4Jc3au1wt8FoVVjHiri6SoNaUXkkVgRpQzg79N" ], "signature": "2LH9yuvMS4rdcCRn5QdYB9PDnCPBc7KK8wTnRxbPSkM9Tp6FDL4Jc3au1wt8FoVVjHiri6SoNaUXkkVgRpQzg79N", "assetId": "5AKSUVLQ1idfcHDorWuq2C2cbLSKwwv5d4Ba5XvffMKg", "name": "E-REIT", "quantity": 5000000000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "Equity Real Estate Investment Tokens, are backed by a company that seeks to own or manage income producing real estate (such as office buildings, shopping centers and apartment buildings) and lease the space to tenants in a range of property sectors around the world. By leasing space and collecting rent on its real estate, the company generates income to repurchase tokens on a monthly basis at market price, thereby reducing liquidity and driving up the market price of the token over time.", "height": 892309, "spentComplexity": 0 }

55.19 ms