tx · 7BCy4gupHXvPrQ1NTmsTJi7H16zdAZnfSJz5FWRwzCE2

3PM2JpposqjgwBMfRPiq5jixBNJexFa3LeG:  +10000000.000 UWTOKEN
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.02.24 17:33 [892905] issue 3PM2JpposqjgwBMfRPiq5jixBNJexFa3LeG > SELF +10000000.000 UWTOKEN

{ "type": 3, "id": "7BCy4gupHXvPrQ1NTmsTJi7H16zdAZnfSJz5FWRwzCE2", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1519482800929, "version": 1, "sender": "3PM2JpposqjgwBMfRPiq5jixBNJexFa3LeG", "senderPublicKey": "FMQZhP4o8fCGb1p82JwzHvpNnmEgqhZ2ew6p1vXzwGTh", "proofs": [ "5Vhq12GUtTTVsFyRqDGtmMnEJbHtxxgoPXxjtp9hwWWjKjEKTbBAeiD5XmfTDoHdTWTf3NdK69H7pDKAohBeyC6J" ], "signature": "5Vhq12GUtTTVsFyRqDGtmMnEJbHtxxgoPXxjtp9hwWWjKjEKTbBAeiD5XmfTDoHdTWTf3NdK69H7pDKAohBeyC6J", "assetId": "7BCy4gupHXvPrQ1NTmsTJi7H16zdAZnfSJz5FWRwzCE2", "name": "UWTOKEN", "quantity": 10000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 3, "description": "This token is a waves based imitate of uetoken. You can hold it or transfer it to your friends. So this token is pretty useless. But I thought what other people can do, I can do too. Regarding this you should not expect any rises of the value of this token.\nSo buy it if you want, or leave it.", "height": 892905, "spentComplexity": 0 }

50.72 ms