tx · A4Fq7mBNEL4unsGKyAZDWHfYg8FPaYRLo2aetowvgjTo

3PP6iQ2vgBufZNKBdmuheqQY2hSnHj4ro1r:  +150000000000.00 Kuro Coin
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.03.01 11:00 [899384] issue 3PP6iQ2vgBufZNKBdmuheqQY2hSnHj4ro1r > SELF +150000000000.00 Kuro Coin

{ "type": 3, "id": "A4Fq7mBNEL4unsGKyAZDWHfYg8FPaYRLo2aetowvgjTo", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1519891233586, "version": 1, "sender": "3PP6iQ2vgBufZNKBdmuheqQY2hSnHj4ro1r", "senderPublicKey": "2KNGo6ijZt6Qo9y68aS7fkfxJhb95xajjVHgJ7TwK9ew", "proofs": [ "6GZ7DGKTbhZfgF7cfaoxVESPCnTzgwPZ23GFf8tKx4DvUxL8Zzhz18HAtYyKUkGUKpCyrUGjkSbZjsM8Pdp3xss" ], "signature": "6GZ7DGKTbhZfgF7cfaoxVESPCnTzgwPZ23GFf8tKx4DvUxL8Zzhz18HAtYyKUkGUKpCyrUGjkSbZjsM8Pdp3xss", "assetId": "A4Fq7mBNEL4unsGKyAZDWHfYg8FPaYRLo2aetowvgjTo", "name": "Kuro Coin", "quantity": 15000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 2, "description": "welcome to Kuro Coin.\n\nKuro is the new crypto currency, it represents Kurdish people, Kurdish communities, Kurdish land from South to North and from East to West and all four parts of Kurdistan, Kuro is free from Governments and Banks.\n\nKuro Digital Currency will help to unite Kurdistan in to one country. The Future Of Kurdistan.\n\nWith the help of the kurdish communities, Kurdish Kuro Coin will be the future of Kurdistan.\n\nThe Kuro Coin, Kurdish Digital Currency looks like a greate idea, especially for the KUrdish people who thinks it is time to be totally split from Iraq.\nStopping the Iraqi Dinnar and the neighboring Currencies in Kurdistan and starting to use the Kuro Coin would definitely give Kurdish people more autonomy, for both poor and the rich.", "height": 899384, "spentComplexity": 0 }

56.88 ms