tx · 32dKo9bVZqE32oKzxwW7LWuxnuPqPrdUfnLZDTXwraN5

3P3BtcYe2uPbgiNT5GDu6hirFkWPN3AP4EJ:  +60000000.00000000 Allsafe3
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.03.06 15:06 [906649] issue 3P3BtcYe2uPbgiNT5GDu6hirFkWPN3AP4EJ > SELF +60000000.00000000 Allsafe3

{ "type": 3, "id": "32dKo9bVZqE32oKzxwW7LWuxnuPqPrdUfnLZDTXwraN5", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1520338047687, "version": 1, "sender": "3P3BtcYe2uPbgiNT5GDu6hirFkWPN3AP4EJ", "senderPublicKey": "r7HgLFuyGrkZ19Gv3pQJXGMQXxHTrNjnWPwzEDeeFT9", "proofs": [ "34UraNhBLP3CBsL1CpDF2TQfcyA4gVEG8wZMQ2YQhWHx625wiEPB594UYLjNVngB2C7kLJFGdfu8kZFiuF76Ugw4" ], "signature": "34UraNhBLP3CBsL1CpDF2TQfcyA4gVEG8wZMQ2YQhWHx625wiEPB594UYLjNVngB2C7kLJFGdfu8kZFiuF76Ugw4", "assetId": "32dKo9bVZqE32oKzxwW7LWuxnuPqPrdUfnLZDTXwraN5", "name": "Allsafe3", "quantity": 6000000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 8, "description": "Allsafe3 provides a safe storage of value for those holding ASAFE and ASAFE2 coins. While trading on the Waves exchange against Waves and Bitcoin, it is also used as a swap for coins that no longer show promise or no longer have an active developer but have active communities.\nAllsafe3(ASAFE3) is a project from the Pinnacle Holdings Group, and is backed by its token and operations.", "height": 906649, "spentComplexity": 0 }

64.48 ms