tx · 4Hqq9YGuThNC5VpdRDTzKNAUm3Z4Zck445iRw746Ru2q

3PDdXKvWTeRx5GTsJoJXrh6tsMShb9BC7vr:  +100000000.000000 LINKS
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.03.14 07:52 [917085] issue 3PDdXKvWTeRx5GTsJoJXrh6tsMShb9BC7vr > SELF +100000000.000000 LINKS

{ "type": 3, "id": "4Hqq9YGuThNC5VpdRDTzKNAUm3Z4Zck445iRw746Ru2q", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1521003158807, "version": 1, "sender": "3PDdXKvWTeRx5GTsJoJXrh6tsMShb9BC7vr", "senderPublicKey": "3xZojGHHoru31TQiiM6E8sTXY9y2tV672PwoN5q5QAuB", "proofs": [ "3QVKNhrdkqARyY9gCj3ygVj5A2DixtWFsrgoT6dknXgXUf2FacjRV7bqjSzeJha91izuZerLnD4Vhh1mDfTQk4We" ], "signature": "3QVKNhrdkqARyY9gCj3ygVj5A2DixtWFsrgoT6dknXgXUf2FacjRV7bqjSzeJha91izuZerLnD4Vhh1mDfTQk4We", "assetId": "4Hqq9YGuThNC5VpdRDTzKNAUm3Z4Zck445iRw746Ru2q", "name": "LINKS", "quantity": 100000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 6, "description": "Links is the first correctional facility payment system developed to provide a secure, immutable transaction ledger that will innovate the way correctional facility payment systems operate. Links goal is to provide a way for facilities to maintain a postive environment through a payment system that can't be altered by any corrupt officials and also can offer inmates ways to earn money through legal and legitamate tasks during their stays. Links Token Development thrives from the idea that correctional facilities should be safe, secure, and free from corruption in all forms. Links will revolutionize the way the correctional facility approaches payment and usage within their facilities, including a new correctional communication system and video relay for inmates!", "height": 917085, "spentComplexity": 0 }

48.14 ms