tx · 6dtbpWrj1vNtgWVxBwJfXSMcpL9Cikex2vzHFEy7xheR

3PDdXKvWTeRx5GTsJoJXrh6tsMShb9BC7vr:  +25000000.0000 SFBAY
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.03.19 05:28 [923650] issue 3PDdXKvWTeRx5GTsJoJXrh6tsMShb9BC7vr > SELF +25000000.0000 SFBAY

{ "type": 3, "id": "6dtbpWrj1vNtgWVxBwJfXSMcpL9Cikex2vzHFEy7xheR", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1521426575826, "version": 1, "sender": "3PDdXKvWTeRx5GTsJoJXrh6tsMShb9BC7vr", "senderPublicKey": "3xZojGHHoru31TQiiM6E8sTXY9y2tV672PwoN5q5QAuB", "proofs": [ "kNzw1RfAichW2NHV4snJSc6u5AmYPNJWsHSak41s6CwmDxQAwGYp5vQrK2Z3LtFW4Vz9mN8XevXyBbggHWoChd9" ], "signature": "kNzw1RfAichW2NHV4snJSc6u5AmYPNJWsHSak41s6CwmDxQAwGYp5vQrK2Z3LtFW4Vz9mN8XevXyBbggHWoChd9", "assetId": "6dtbpWrj1vNtgWVxBwJfXSMcpL9Cikex2vzHFEy7xheR", "name": "SFBAY", "quantity": 250000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 4, "description": "Bay Coin is the San Francisco Bay Area's decentralized payment system used to create a harmonious and secure payment system among the thriving business officials of the San Francisco Bay Area. Bay Coin has one goal to aid San Francisco's growing economy with an efficient fast tracked payment alternative that can be used in all major retailers in the Bay Area!", "height": 923650, "spentComplexity": 0 }

42.50 ms