tx · 2wfonUK6veFeWMXZ8onpFe14mb9NbrLfeFDeVBTFrNu4

3P5MwTUeG4VeaRZwA9SPmQjRhJcy6SMMAXe:  +1000000.00000000 Ripple (XRP)
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.04.09 21:56 [953171] issue 3P5MwTUeG4VeaRZwA9SPmQjRhJcy6SMMAXe > SELF +1000000.00000000 Ripple (XRP) spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "2wfonUK6veFeWMXZ8onpFe14mb9NbrLfeFDeVBTFrNu4", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1523300287756, "version": 1, "sender": "3P5MwTUeG4VeaRZwA9SPmQjRhJcy6SMMAXe", "senderPublicKey": "DfZU1xbib6HwPJ8VFvMQW9iTiSozF5Vr5gyveQcYtwCi", "proofs": [ "4aCdH5VqwrWYYBi6NxhyFc2huWMiVLXTnPQbbiUh2kTDN2wPCM5QfYKvjWsQ4Xx1xAZM3fcnb24ai2t2jdA1hcSQ" ], "signature": "4aCdH5VqwrWYYBi6NxhyFc2huWMiVLXTnPQbbiUh2kTDN2wPCM5QfYKvjWsQ4Xx1xAZM3fcnb24ai2t2jdA1hcSQ", "assetId": "2wfonUK6veFeWMXZ8onpFe14mb9NbrLfeFDeVBTFrNu4", "name": "Ripple (XRP)", "quantity": 100000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "Ripple provides one frictionless experience to send money globally using the power of blockchain. By joining Ripple’s growing, global network, financial institutions can process their customers’ payments anywhere in the world instantly, reliably and cost-effectively. Banks and payment providers can use the digital asset XRP to further reduce their costs and access new markets.\n\nWith offices in San Francisco, New York, London, Sydney, India, Singapore and Luxembourg, Ripple has more than 100 customers around the world.", "height": 953171, "spentComplexity": 0 }

48.67 ms