tx · 2BWGyRprimKUkZZkysA18vxVgV2GqCP4wrcXGjy4BnC6

3P5DvZREGg7F8NRk7iu9KDzWbTVUKpMEWcq:  +100000000.00 The Beale Papers
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.04.09 23:18 [953243] issue 3P5DvZREGg7F8NRk7iu9KDzWbTVUKpMEWcq > SELF +100000000.00 The Beale Papers

{ "type": 3, "id": "2BWGyRprimKUkZZkysA18vxVgV2GqCP4wrcXGjy4BnC6", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1523305118748, "version": 1, "sender": "3P5DvZREGg7F8NRk7iu9KDzWbTVUKpMEWcq", "senderPublicKey": "ZKiZ5FWY72NZGmJ6aFHi4cYtAPbUpCRUJnhwRu89eHM", "proofs": [ "4zQtyVyjjeKoD2e5p11e74LcsdUkQqB3TyKKoSdaa27dqLwo9u6f2bbDyNrboY5cG5gpkZMdBqTLKg9oc65VPwzK" ], "signature": "4zQtyVyjjeKoD2e5p11e74LcsdUkQqB3TyKKoSdaa27dqLwo9u6f2bbDyNrboY5cG5gpkZMdBqTLKg9oc65VPwzK", "assetId": "2BWGyRprimKUkZZkysA18vxVgV2GqCP4wrcXGjy4BnC6", "name": "The Beale Papers", "quantity": 10000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 2, "description": "The first and original cryptocurrency for The Beale Papers. There is a place in the mountains of Virginia that a large cache of gold and silver has been hidden for almost two hundred years. In 1817 Thomas Beale and his associates set out on a hunting expedition to the western wilderness. This journey’s tale was published in 1885.\n\nIn 1822 a box was given to one Robert Morriss by Beale. Afterward, he was only contacted again once more by Beale, a letter arriving a few months later. This letter informed Morriss that another letter would come to him in ten years time- when he was to open the box- with a key to the ciphers and an explanation to the contents of the box he held. This letter never made it to Morriss. After twenty years he opened the box. \n\nWe have created this token as a dedication to the mystery of the Beale Papers, and plan to use it as a way to encourage historical experts to work together towards a common goal.", "height": 953243, "spentComplexity": 0 }

59.99 ms