tx · 9q4r7sDpyMzj7JpQhEdLiiaNzWVUj5oZdQ2LWQJhScxk

3PN1RsLRz7ruFtjYj8vWFsPHTZDQipcfCRX:  +2100000000.00000000 M M C
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.04.10 22:02 [954542] issue 3PN1RsLRz7ruFtjYj8vWFsPHTZDQipcfCRX > SELF +2100000000.00000000 M M C

{ "type": 3, "id": "9q4r7sDpyMzj7JpQhEdLiiaNzWVUj5oZdQ2LWQJhScxk", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1523387146643, "version": 1, "sender": "3PN1RsLRz7ruFtjYj8vWFsPHTZDQipcfCRX", "senderPublicKey": "BnLvjEJYvY3g6xNSPHfCjG7fJPNvCw7PnbjUv6vMaqrX", "proofs": [ "3MQU91xmeXsJvCEJfsFobnma1U3869LdRvPNmKnNJc9WhXXZKa7mM3xQv9QHpigAmhtscM192MP7YvJhxftcCGKG" ], "signature": "3MQU91xmeXsJvCEJfsFobnma1U3869LdRvPNmKnNJc9WhXXZKa7mM3xQv9QHpigAmhtscM192MP7YvJhxftcCGKG", "assetId": "9q4r7sDpyMzj7JpQhEdLiiaNzWVUj5oZdQ2LWQJhScxk", "name": "M M C", "quantity": 210000000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "According to the relevant Waves smart contract ("MMC token"), the MMC token is a Waves-compliant token that is assigned on the Waves blockchain. Waves Powerful Infrastructure for Decentralized Application and Token Distribution. MMC is a cryptographic digital currency in honor of MMM founder "Sergey Mavrodi", casting a total of 2,100,000,000 MMC tokens. There will be no more tokens afterwards. For early stage investors, MMC provides project funding. It can also be used to motivate individuals or organizations that contribute to the MMC ecosystem. In addition, the MMC will be able to take the time to export the exporter's self-promotion premium and deliver it to the end user. MMC will also be listed on third-party digital currency exchanges.", "height": 954542, "spentComplexity": 0 }

67.45 ms