tx · FJHcw8d7jLtLt4BuxuE8UPtW8Svn7aXvdJT4BEB95Acf

3PEq4WKCqCS3N9ziyVcxu9rUyUVt9hYwMRF:  +100000000.00 Roob
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.04.11 13:05 [955386] issue 3PEq4WKCqCS3N9ziyVcxu9rUyUVt9hYwMRF > SELF +100000000.00 Roob

{ "type": 3, "id": "FJHcw8d7jLtLt4BuxuE8UPtW8Svn7aXvdJT4BEB95Acf", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1523441187939, "version": 1, "sender": "3PEq4WKCqCS3N9ziyVcxu9rUyUVt9hYwMRF", "senderPublicKey": "F8ep1d2vyZWVtEwGRWxaxe2vMEDQ6ByzF8Q7TcQ8rtE2", "proofs": [ "3QYSAx8tY6VExA5f9E2iJt37ExWqLTVsPJoCzKuDkv6jsQxur4YDXr21dmWwpemi3H5QkpkSmyoJdLQemNeM63yf" ], "signature": "3QYSAx8tY6VExA5f9E2iJt37ExWqLTVsPJoCzKuDkv6jsQxur4YDXr21dmWwpemi3H5QkpkSmyoJdLQemNeM63yf", "assetId": "FJHcw8d7jLtLt4BuxuE8UPtW8Svn7aXvdJT4BEB95Acf", "name": "Roob", "quantity": 10000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 2, "description": "The ROOB will be used as a currency within the Roober rideshare app, http://www.roober.info - \nDrivers will be able to earn some as well as purchase it and then use it to purchase a years worth of app access up front which means they get to keep ALL of the fare, except flagfall, for 12 months at a time -\n Riders can purchase ROOB and spend it to pay for future journeys on the Roober system. \n\nThere will be an internal discount for users ( both drivers and riders) of ROOBs over fiat currency within the Roober ecosystem.", "height": 955386, "spentComplexity": 0 }

71.72 ms