tx · CF3DWYFPx44e8bKPyGqf2PK6kwbByAczRsEy2je9Lc1P

3PG1ye9gSCb53EcM6nmVdoS6VjyFAxCKWm7:  +1000000000.000000 ICFC
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.04.17 10:43 [963367] issue 3PG1ye9gSCb53EcM6nmVdoS6VjyFAxCKWm7 > SELF +1000000000.000000 ICFC

{ "type": 3, "id": "CF3DWYFPx44e8bKPyGqf2PK6kwbByAczRsEy2je9Lc1P", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1523951004599, "version": 1, "sender": "3PG1ye9gSCb53EcM6nmVdoS6VjyFAxCKWm7", "senderPublicKey": "AG64F1mHs3DaH8waDiSzKLGHXTJU2NJjZ85gjpG4Zey7", "proofs": [ "5uFywyrHymUWsugEkBqDJhMwASjZs9QAw8UNbT5iaziyFF6HGaw5kddC5wBtZF6echUPuJP2kTrmhCAztbuvxVhY" ], "signature": "5uFywyrHymUWsugEkBqDJhMwASjZs9QAw8UNbT5iaziyFF6HGaw5kddC5wBtZF6echUPuJP2kTrmhCAztbuvxVhY", "assetId": "CF3DWYFPx44e8bKPyGqf2PK6kwbByAczRsEy2je9Lc1P", "name": "ICFC", "quantity": 1000000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 6, "description": "InterestCoin by design will be linked to a similar Ant coin that will be paid to you for the amount and length of time you hold ICF coin. So earn money to hold or sell at the moon. Then take your residuals and invest were you see fit or back to ICFC to compound your holdings!", "height": 963367, "spentComplexity": 0 }

47.61 ms