tx · 5oNG3PavuJ4Si87ss13uPqJZDYqRA3sDPQBvdGkBFPqw

3PLnY3PicNy3scHwXKebucuj6gUQHVDvVAK:  +13000000.0000 LionsCoin (LCC)
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.05.06 03:02 [988469] issue 3PLnY3PicNy3scHwXKebucuj6gUQHVDvVAK > SELF +13000000.0000 LionsCoin (LCC)

{ "type": 3, "id": "5oNG3PavuJ4Si87ss13uPqJZDYqRA3sDPQBvdGkBFPqw", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1525564913015, "version": 1, "sender": "3PLnY3PicNy3scHwXKebucuj6gUQHVDvVAK", "senderPublicKey": "3ipBVrMXjDDs6S3J2Tzyz9cpavKNVDxR3oQ3zNJaNay9", "proofs": [ "378zvjeEoY9D1NB4hE2SUrwcurgLMdvij3RV1VexbpsY8ZoAUABmyxNRnuVxJUbm8AodUQN63Pqeet2sgzQDzMNo" ], "signature": "378zvjeEoY9D1NB4hE2SUrwcurgLMdvij3RV1VexbpsY8ZoAUABmyxNRnuVxJUbm8AodUQN63Pqeet2sgzQDzMNo", "assetId": "5oNG3PavuJ4Si87ss13uPqJZDYqRA3sDPQBvdGkBFPqw", "name": "LionsCoin (LCC)", "quantity": 130000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 4, "description": "LionsCoin is an ICO, offering its CryptoCurrency in exchange for your donation. It is being released by Karachi New Progressive Lions Club, District 305-South(Pakistan).as a means to fund its ventures as well as fund other Lions Clubs globally in their respective ventures.The Token will raise funds for developing its sustainable ecosystem.\n\nGrab your LionsCoin NOW as we are giving our Initial Coin Offering (Pre-Sale) discount at only 25% of the tradable price. We are ONLY offering 2 million LCC Tokens for Pre-Sale @ 1 Waves= 0.025 per LionsCoin, till June 30, 2018. Pre-sale time ends at 10:35 am, June 30, 2018 after which 3 Million LCC Tokens will be sold @ 1 Waves= 0.15 per LionsCoin. 25% of the total 13 million created will be reserved for the Team managing the LLC token. All Other leftover LCC Tokens will be burned and never recreated by the blockchain once the sale of 3 million LCC is completed. Hence we anticipate a lifetime total LCC circulation of < 10 million LionsCoin (LCC).", "height": 988469, "spentComplexity": 0 }

87.10 ms