3P7MXNUvZKRLkKNL2ue5SWde42T8WGV3mpC:  +100000000.00000000 RONTO (RNT)
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.05.09 21:54 [993585] issue 3P7MXNUvZKRLkKNL2ue5SWde42T8WGV3mpC > SELF +100000000.00000000 RONTO (RNT)

{ "type": 3, "id": "EKqWY7EoWoM3HYVXTFodz5V8VGFz3ZTEP6kGHAxwszEF", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1525892256293, "version": 1, "sender": "3P7MXNUvZKRLkKNL2ue5SWde42T8WGV3mpC", "senderPublicKey": "G5YsrzXfZ8vigSbeaxv8RgkP878MG7d6WukteFYgFvu7", "proofs": [ "45qK9AH89SAvTUErLxQWX3WKMT6nWUfDPQoMWX4C6gTERrBSV2oPcZhfxEE7eHyJzMbzAy7iBTYVoMEwSu8K1Nh1" ], "signature": "45qK9AH89SAvTUErLxQWX3WKMT6nWUfDPQoMWX4C6gTERrBSV2oPcZhfxEE7eHyJzMbzAy7iBTYVoMEwSu8K1Nh1", "assetId": "EKqWY7EoWoM3HYVXTFodz5V8VGFz3ZTEP6kGHAxwszEF", "name": "RONTO (RNT)", "quantity": 10000000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "RONTO (RNT) - is a crowdsale token for investing to "Rondo mining project".The goal is to collect $ 6 000 000 then we start creating mining datacenters in several countries for mining different cryptocurencies.\nAfter starting of mining:\n55% of profits goes to portfolio, so every token will have its value backed by several coins.\n30% of profits goes to extend hashing power, so profits will raise up.\n10% of profits goes to exchanges to buy our token, so investors can sell them. \n5% of profits goes to software development, such as mining pools, mining software and several other projects.\n\nSee more info on http://ronto.website", "height": 993585, "spentComplexity": 0 }

342.81 ms