tx · DGkfx67vhqaZTKPsTrUYVqWK18Rg4b2eHgsZcqrp9KAy

3PQeFhygtiUiQrv9Ua4iEuzviSp4S2pahgi:  +58118181111.00000000 BonKyuBbon
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.05.26 07:54 [1015487] issue 3PQeFhygtiUiQrv9Ua4iEuzviSp4S2pahgi > SELF +58118181111.00000000 BonKyuBbon

{ "type": 3, "id": "DGkfx67vhqaZTKPsTrUYVqWK18Rg4b2eHgsZcqrp9KAy", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1527310430226, "version": 1, "sender": "3PQeFhygtiUiQrv9Ua4iEuzviSp4S2pahgi", "senderPublicKey": "7ocoyhM6QhWBSeCCxSWXHTBEzfb5K9hqqif1e8jhC3Ky", "proofs": [ "3Ex4WHyP2NaJ93gFtWNfEKiisCFCPk4LjHxTToigJS7Q9oTsDa69YRJe8WrhDCHrh5rFXFqhsbz164su7VxRjQbZ" ], "signature": "3Ex4WHyP2NaJ93gFtWNfEKiisCFCPk4LjHxTToigJS7Q9oTsDa69YRJe8WrhDCHrh5rFXFqhsbz164su7VxRjQbZ", "assetId": "DGkfx67vhqaZTKPsTrUYVqWK18Rg4b2eHgsZcqrp9KAy", "name": "BonKyuBbon", "quantity": 5811818111100000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "This token is a token devote to cute Bon.\n\nHer special skill is to buy the currency at a high price and sell it at a low price.\n\nBut, She is a very kind and wonderful woman.\n\nIf you give this token.\n\nYou will be a nice person like her.\n\nIf you received a male.\n\nyou should be able to meet a nice lady like Bon.\n\nGood luck to everyone.\n\nThank you Bon.", "height": 1015487, "spentComplexity": 0 }

64.46 ms