tx · 43rc6Cpk7ixF7933pZ2J4cQNqcfrqz1h91BwKkSbs7rq

3PQvALj6SqSCDhbE7NxT7PsXaw5yo7NPQk6:  +1000000000.00000000 ObeliskChain
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2022.11.09 23:11 [3375430] issue 3PQvALj6SqSCDhbE7NxT7PsXaw5yo7NPQk6 > SELF +1000000000.00000000 ObeliskChain

{ "type": 3, "id": "43rc6Cpk7ixF7933pZ2J4cQNqcfrqz1h91BwKkSbs7rq", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1668024788041, "version": 2, "sender": "3PQvALj6SqSCDhbE7NxT7PsXaw5yo7NPQk6", "senderPublicKey": "377KgQVzPuqTdv8QyvmqqX9i8n1aNfZaM7PfamnWuU3z", "proofs": [ "2v8eoviUCinJFHnhRAw4vwbcX5VhTK5xQkCo9BHWve6XdRrYbCHjbCSiHZ19V8ePLj7qyfsniTWWxKektCySLYdx" ], "assetId": "43rc6Cpk7ixF7933pZ2J4cQNqcfrqz1h91BwKkSbs7rq", "name": "ObeliskChain", "quantity": 100000000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 8, "description": "• L1 blockchain with the ability to create your own Dapps and NFT\n\n• A user who is a staker/forger receives an NFT token for rent which will allow them to pay 25% less for gas\n\n• Implemented the ability to exchange tokens between two users(including NFT)without guarantors in a convenient graphical interface\n\n• In the first year of blockchain operation you can launch a node with 100,000 tokens. Every 2 years the required number of tokens is reduced by 2 times\n\n• A token that plans to IDO on ObeliskChain gets the opportunity to create a landing page on the ObeliskChain subdomain\n\n• The node that found the block gets 75% of the reward. The remaining 25% is received by the nodes that confirmed this block\n\n• You can make sure that if the wallet has been inactive for a specified time then all funds from it are transferred to a pre-specified address(or addresses)\n\n• The main application is the transfer of tokens to another person(people/organizations)or the loss of a seed ", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 3375430, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

11.00 ms