tx · AnDpbLDakcLmsq9ABM444FBJL2UfKGjN3ijfW37t6B61

3PA2E8UXw5Q8UNZWH985i1NmwmFCdDEfj5a:  +150000000.00000000 SaveTheOceancoin
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.06.09 09:23 [1034173] issue 3PA2E8UXw5Q8UNZWH985i1NmwmFCdDEfj5a > SELF +150000000.00000000 SaveTheOceancoin spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "AnDpbLDakcLmsq9ABM444FBJL2UfKGjN3ijfW37t6B61", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1528525506342, "version": 1, "sender": "3PA2E8UXw5Q8UNZWH985i1NmwmFCdDEfj5a", "senderPublicKey": "HXymBVZW1ei9RmAqvGk89YRigBgwpCw9rzshAJebkpEZ", "proofs": [ "2a6w5r4ecM3W4o95jYCtKaiVWmm8CN4Y9jhoHR9N5SM5GHteZwNSd6WWF7AgSR8vmXsPoU5QWorYZMnPpLmzWBUg" ], "signature": "2a6w5r4ecM3W4o95jYCtKaiVWmm8CN4Y9jhoHR9N5SM5GHteZwNSd6WWF7AgSR8vmXsPoU5QWorYZMnPpLmzWBUg", "assetId": "AnDpbLDakcLmsq9ABM444FBJL2UfKGjN3ijfW37t6B61", "name": "SaveTheOceancoin", "quantity": 15000000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "STO is already an active coin, available on CoinExchange and Yobit. In honor of World Ocean Day, I bring you this; consider it a soft fork :) The main goal of STO is to help enact awareness of consumerisms impact on the environment. \nPlastic is poisonous and pollutes. Glass is more recyclable and does not harm the body, yet hemp triumphs all...\nCurrent laws in USA are setup so that cannabis cultivators are legally obligated to destroy all hemp bi-product. This is tremendously wasteful as hemp is the bulk of the plant. This crop is not only a superior fiber of great use for many industries, but grows remarkably fast. Because these laws are purposefully designed to greatly burden smaller businesses that attempt to make an ecological change, there has been much inhibition about such endeavors as centralized companies/individuals have been extinguished by various means from corporate tycoons... \n\nDecentralized, ideas are powerful. \n\nMain site here;\nhttps://savetheoceancoin.com/\n\nLove,\nSTO", "height": 1034173, "spentComplexity": 0 }

43.54 ms