tx · 4vzfKujpfP3mBYDfUuwGRAvu6iYuJ2YZqcRD3vAwakiw

3PL4vvsDGQ5QVvN8aXSwKg2MLd14xHbDyzy:  +420000000.0000 THCT
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.06.10 10:58 [1035585] issue 3PL4vvsDGQ5QVvN8aXSwKg2MLd14xHbDyzy > SELF +420000000.0000 THCT spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "4vzfKujpfP3mBYDfUuwGRAvu6iYuJ2YZqcRD3vAwakiw", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1528617512114, "version": 1, "sender": "3PL4vvsDGQ5QVvN8aXSwKg2MLd14xHbDyzy", "senderPublicKey": "3zNexL6c3im35sDBxhrMSxKex6aQvhSaEM7Xhpa3wj7i", "proofs": [ "444UBnpkNe3hTyhZbPdAnt5wrZZuCdVMgShz6yW1WpTCxT9yLLusALwx3Hyu6UEVjpiUQRSn3E7UESrSF5ZiAv3j" ], "signature": "444UBnpkNe3hTyhZbPdAnt5wrZZuCdVMgShz6yW1WpTCxT9yLLusALwx3Hyu6UEVjpiUQRSn3E7UESrSF5ZiAv3j", "assetId": "4vzfKujpfP3mBYDfUuwGRAvu6iYuJ2YZqcRD3vAwakiw", "name": "THCT", "quantity": 4200000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 4, "description": "The Humboldt Community Token or THCT orignates from the economy of Humboldt County California. THCT offers the public the the security of a blockchain based token to be used for utilities such as consumer rewards, store credit, gift certificates, fundraisers, trade between consumers, retailers & wholesalers, as well as any other utility that the users agree upon. \nTo find links to goods & services available in trade for THCT, or to learn more about THCT, please visit the website THCToken.org", "height": 1035585, "spentComplexity": 0 }

49.66 ms