tx · FGuSBHr2gk6mdvVCE2JCqEiw8qodQUuVGdzojRNSBgsK

3P7Y7EihAcikuvZc3qVe7VZkunb3v4kfbom:  +200000000.00000000 ACT-coin
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.06.14 23:23 [1041714] issue 3P7Y7EihAcikuvZc3qVe7VZkunb3v4kfbom > SELF +200000000.00000000 ACT-coin spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "FGuSBHr2gk6mdvVCE2JCqEiw8qodQUuVGdzojRNSBgsK", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1529007829351, "version": 1, "sender": "3P7Y7EihAcikuvZc3qVe7VZkunb3v4kfbom", "senderPublicKey": "Gb9xaLabd1w2m1vPY8BXxbYeCh35pjuic2wPdXtcPhoX", "proofs": [ "2ZtNzoTATvofCii5RkwR7pRRYv2hTCJsUQDdtxpJHYgVGHGQsSkcuawyWLizJPfA3VUbiDmasTiCG2upPykxJhZs" ], "signature": "2ZtNzoTATvofCii5RkwR7pRRYv2hTCJsUQDdtxpJHYgVGHGQsSkcuawyWLizJPfA3VUbiDmasTiCG2upPykxJhZs", "assetId": "FGuSBHr2gk6mdvVCE2JCqEiw8qodQUuVGdzojRNSBgsK", "name": "ACT-coin", "quantity": 20000000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 8, "description": "non profit groupment socially supporting people in need, \n\nthe name in Latin Angelus / English Angel, Curator in Latin = caretaker in English, angelus curator in English Guardian Angel = German Schutzengel, activities all aroud helping and organizing to better human and animal live, \n\nwe are all Christian, one founder Catholic, one Protestant, the third Orthodox, we even have non-christian members, \n\nwe are open to all sincere religious denominations, all kind of creed, race, nationality, \n\nwe base on the positive believe that treating human and beast better gives all involved a better feeling, simply everyboby feels better and more healthy when you connect to positive thinking and acting peope around you.\n\nwe acompany social helping prograns, helpin the elder, disabled, financially in bankrupcy, needing good bagain low budged housing, \n\nour emblem is God's Helping Hand, He who holds you won' let you down, Good Hearted good humoured, mit Herz und Humor, fair to men, beast and nature.", "height": 1041714, "spentComplexity": 0 }

56.36 ms