tx · 9NKN7vTEb9xTC68QufHaZmKM9PaTKqMYjL4JSJsaH8g6

3PBRfs7cu6KhnGWHQpWvPusQJnTHQHQjGxo:  +100000000.00000 Technofeya
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.06.21 13:45 [1050724] issue 3PBRfs7cu6KhnGWHQpWvPusQJnTHQHQjGxo > SELF +100000000.00000 Technofeya

{ "type": 3, "id": "9NKN7vTEb9xTC68QufHaZmKM9PaTKqMYjL4JSJsaH8g6", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1529577986978, "version": 1, "sender": "3PBRfs7cu6KhnGWHQpWvPusQJnTHQHQjGxo", "senderPublicKey": "CShoKzPmXRZMWpBmvvrRVMvZ2bZyGfb38RytbJWrMBoQ", "proofs": [ "4fWbgHLBhXALVTenbTD7NNgLvizKW3pcW8F8vH6QCGvkiq7V5nELDLoN71p3UZv8xih3A23WEwNHKEDptEk6kg4v" ], "signature": "4fWbgHLBhXALVTenbTD7NNgLvizKW3pcW8F8vH6QCGvkiq7V5nELDLoN71p3UZv8xih3A23WEwNHKEDptEk6kg4v", "assetId": "9NKN7vTEb9xTC68QufHaZmKM9PaTKqMYjL4JSJsaH8g6", "name": "Technofeya", "quantity": 10000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 5, "description": "This crypto-currency is directly connected with a professional job of development and projects making in IT, Electronics, Robotics and Radio Engineering spheres. We are professional team of makers in technical field and we make for you real devices and prototypes from your ideas. Value 1 Technofeya (TF) is always 1 hour of our specialist with the average experience. We decided to use cryto-currency not like soap buble, but the cost here mainly depends on the work quality and the rapidity inside of our team. Using our moneys you can be sure that it certainly will grow up in one of the two directions. As it can cost more, so as by the same value 1 TF we will do more job in the future, if you need some innovation development from us. See the difference. If someone just knows C++, it can cost 500-3,000 rubles per hour. If someone has awesome technologies, just in one hour it is possible to make a result with a price 10,000,000 rubles and more. It will cost many rubles, but just 1 TF so.", "height": 1050724, "spentComplexity": 0 }

52.24 ms