tx · 3REKEzprhCdFoG6gt46xqJbQGEmx7qLpnpiVkh9QYpjR

3PQtPQ5K5y655E58kqM9TLupH56pb8dgg6R:  +1000000.00 HOODCoin
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.06.22 15:44 [1052233] issue 3PQtPQ5K5y655E58kqM9TLupH56pb8dgg6R > SELF +1000000.00 HOODCoin

{ "type": 3, "id": "3REKEzprhCdFoG6gt46xqJbQGEmx7qLpnpiVkh9QYpjR", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1529671506730, "version": 1, "sender": "3PQtPQ5K5y655E58kqM9TLupH56pb8dgg6R", "senderPublicKey": "8S8QwqvRr1xYGR7ikvXdBz5ou9FtHrUCWELXuQsY6STh", "proofs": [ "63YkPJSdZqXR3yP47azZ7ojga7T2pametNoEGtKmeu51QnVMXV2p51B9MyprTU7Cz3rqZLPJxZYKQSJWpBFbab24" ], "signature": "63YkPJSdZqXR3yP47azZ7ojga7T2pametNoEGtKmeu51QnVMXV2p51B9MyprTU7Cz3rqZLPJxZYKQSJWpBFbab24", "assetId": "3REKEzprhCdFoG6gt46xqJbQGEmx7qLpnpiVkh9QYpjR", "name": "HOODCoin", "quantity": 100000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 2, "description": "TEAM: Sha’Quonda, Cornbreesha, Watermelondrea, Rohondra, Tyrone, Deedra and Dafinest\n\nHOOD Coin (no, we ain't affiliated with RobinHoodCoin, we ain't a fukkin charity!!) \n\nThe main purpose of this coin is to enable shops and people to sell/buy goods in the hood using HOODCoin as currency fuck the dollah!\n\nYou can swap your $$$ for $HOOD on every hood or on DEX, just meet Tyrone or any other team member on the corner and ask if he has any HOOD left to sell.\n\nWARNING: Make sure you're always dealing with the real TEAM! Do not give dough to Palameena the chicken chocker fart knocker bitch who's scamming a lot of people with fake HoodCoins.", "height": 1052233, "spentComplexity": 0 }

43.51 ms