tx · HKRH4mvju47sBu6zepJzMA5BnAfB3iUQFzNRSdY1Q6nm

3PGgM9n6AGEv83RBVdD6Q7fTLq3G9ahw83e:  +10000000.000 KratomLive KSL)
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.06.23 05:29 [1053021] issue 3PGgM9n6AGEv83RBVdD6Q7fTLq3G9ahw83e > SELF +10000000.000 KratomLive KSL)

{ "type": 3, "id": "HKRH4mvju47sBu6zepJzMA5BnAfB3iUQFzNRSdY1Q6nm", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1529720982398, "version": 1, "sender": "3PGgM9n6AGEv83RBVdD6Q7fTLq3G9ahw83e", "senderPublicKey": "BTS85UJ44nVfRBcbN5rVweuBjaKU1Zxs1oLqF9abiQXE", "proofs": [ "BVQ4BojmnRMXxeYLE4khfSoXZaJoyQAJz1vSpcVy4SyUTqAePEhZSnpE3Vn1PR25eeqxhrG2XJYVoTQSMCCDq6v" ], "signature": "BVQ4BojmnRMXxeYLE4khfSoXZaJoyQAJz1vSpcVy4SyUTqAePEhZSnpE3Vn1PR25eeqxhrG2XJYVoTQSMCCDq6v", "assetId": "HKRH4mvju47sBu6zepJzMA5BnAfB3iUQFzNRSdY1Q6nm", "name": "KratomLive KSL)", "quantity": 10000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 3, "description": "KSL- kratom saves lives.\nKratom is demonized and criminalized worldwide. The USA is leading the pack for the war on drugs. A new bill (SITSA) has passed the senate. This is a worldwide issue. Our team will provide access to quality, lab tested Kratom.\nFact- There hasn’t been a single case where Kratom was the sole cause of death.\nWe will provide a strong fight to stop this demonization. We stand firm to provide those in need. Morally, from our standpoint, if breaking the laws to these regulations beats the odds of people dying because of laced substances, saving lives is greater a priority than sitting back and watching this unfold. This means giving access world-wide to lab-certified Kratom, allocating a percentage to advocate groups, and allowing this token to take a life of it's own.", "height": 1053021, "spentComplexity": 0 }

37.14 ms