tx · 7uUDC8PrYQcXzZm2gyfVs66zsmJivgRg8D8eD1M3uBmp

3PD8xaPymdtJEns5bBgB6BN7uXD9pxRAMwA:  +5000000.00000000 GoldPredEx
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.07.18 17:03 [1088172] issue 3PD8xaPymdtJEns5bBgB6BN7uXD9pxRAMwA > SELF +5000000.00000000 GoldPredEx

{ "type": 3, "id": "7uUDC8PrYQcXzZm2gyfVs66zsmJivgRg8D8eD1M3uBmp", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1531922416936, "version": 1, "sender": "3PD8xaPymdtJEns5bBgB6BN7uXD9pxRAMwA", "senderPublicKey": "67gAu5u177hA8RSVHUHdLBzyX6VvGkxs6fHovDXdWtPe", "proofs": [ "5C9B5UZQPp2ZyYqneJz1GbDxV8PhAzQNN8h2Sj8F1fPAsm92k4GBCAaFdnvUrB1taQYhuMCr7A5QugE5xWGWyPhw" ], "signature": "5C9B5UZQPp2ZyYqneJz1GbDxV8PhAzQNN8h2Sj8F1fPAsm92k4GBCAaFdnvUrB1taQYhuMCr7A5QugE5xWGWyPhw", "assetId": "7uUDC8PrYQcXzZm2gyfVs66zsmJivgRg8D8eD1M3uBmp", "name": "GoldPredEx", "quantity": 500000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "Gold Placer Prediction Exchangeable (GoldPredEx) is a certificate that grants the Holder the right to receive and use the result of a placer forecast for an area of 0.1 km2 (~ 24.7 acres).\n \nThe forecast is made for a land surface not covered by glaciers.\nThe minimum volume of the forecasted result for a continuous plot of the Earth surface total of 400 km2 (~ 154.5 square miles) is exchanged for a pool of 4000 GoldPredEx tokens, in accordance with the Application in which the Holder of the pool marks the attributes of the area of interest.\nAll additional information can be found in the Terms and Conditions section www.placer-geology.com. \n\nThe application can be submitted not earlier than 2 years after the date of the ITO. \nThe delivery of the forecast results is made not later than 6 months after the date of filing the Application. \n\n\u0422otal 5,000,000 non-re-issued tokens.\nToken distribution - \n80% of all issued tokens are put up for sale in the ITO process, \n20% -reserve.", "height": 1088172, "spentComplexity": 0 }

136.64 ms