tx · 96b3PafQiq6MdHhPkmFMbxXxYycxDCKbrGXSVx8gBcw3

3PATLM9CxEEk7Ef2jfVM2z3jYjUsuqdrckM:  +10000000 BlackTokens
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.08.01 07:40 [1107405] issue 3PATLM9CxEEk7Ef2jfVM2z3jYjUsuqdrckM > SELF +10000000 BlackTokens

{ "type": 3, "id": "96b3PafQiq6MdHhPkmFMbxXxYycxDCKbrGXSVx8gBcw3", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1533098390477, "version": 1, "sender": "3PATLM9CxEEk7Ef2jfVM2z3jYjUsuqdrckM", "senderPublicKey": "CPEEtEfCurKbffHWjuqearCfpfrrYGftnTkiTsSBKM9j", "proofs": [ "3FWvWFJeEXAWPN2zdPjtc6pbpyY8Px7uQwT3dF4QGr94Qdr2NRswExBMisw99pQv1r8iKerniodPRbesRWtzU8r5" ], "signature": "3FWvWFJeEXAWPN2zdPjtc6pbpyY8Px7uQwT3dF4QGr94Qdr2NRswExBMisw99pQv1r8iKerniodPRbesRWtzU8r5", "assetId": "96b3PafQiq6MdHhPkmFMbxXxYycxDCKbrGXSVx8gBcw3", "name": "BlackTokens", "quantity": 10000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 0, "description": "BlackTokens are a digital asset that provides access to global banking solutions operating on the blockchain. BlackTokens are backed by Blockchain based businesses, Real Estate, Gold Commodities and digital Financial Banking Technologies. A percentage of funds raised from BlackTokens will be used to build the first decentralized blockchain based banking institution in New Orleans, LA. While another percentage will go toward building the first decentralized blockchain based hotel to provide the BlackToken community a place to exchange their assets for residence nationally and abroad. This will bring value to the BlackToken market that can be used in the digital and physical world. As we continue to build this platform, in due time we will migrate from the Waves Platform to operating on our own private blockchain platform to reward token holders for staking on our private block. This includes our official QR Wallet, and access to emerging technology that BlackTokens are intergrated with.", "height": 1107405, "spentComplexity": 0 }

58.05 ms