tx · 4Hq1P4NjJQ5SACGNCNiss5iZ6oU5bDn9FMSrDwywh39U

3P3zPdYoft6JLn5TQEiVajXqMz2KEQCtowW:  +100000000 The Cure
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.08.11 17:52 [1122624] issue 3P3zPdYoft6JLn5TQEiVajXqMz2KEQCtowW > SELF +100000000 The Cure

{ "type": 3, "id": "4Hq1P4NjJQ5SACGNCNiss5iZ6oU5bDn9FMSrDwywh39U", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1533999128432, "version": 1, "sender": "3P3zPdYoft6JLn5TQEiVajXqMz2KEQCtowW", "senderPublicKey": "5FATj1Re2yeYwV1ZDaDUiDkK4P9ZpnD7S9A7CtABmXgE", "proofs": [ "2RUhns9DaVD1gt2ftRvLndLB3zSJZT6wf5axvGv2rFX7CW1YphE1o1fTTKZgFfzw7Z4bSfjeyYTTPSbhqhYHNjgT" ], "signature": "2RUhns9DaVD1gt2ftRvLndLB3zSJZT6wf5axvGv2rFX7CW1YphE1o1fTTKZgFfzw7Z4bSfjeyYTTPSbhqhYHNjgT", "assetId": "4Hq1P4NjJQ5SACGNCNiss5iZ6oU5bDn9FMSrDwywh39U", "name": "The Cure", "quantity": 100000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 0, "description": "The Cure was created to give back to the community. 90% of the company profits will go to three disease research organizations each month (30% per organization). The organizations will be voted for by The Cure token holders. The remaining 10% will be used to establish partnerships with a focus on disease research, preventatives, and cures. The Cure token can not be broken down and there will be a limited supply of 100 million. Any donation helps and the top ten donors will be recognized across the community. They will also be reported to the organization that they choose to help unless they choose to remain anonymous.", "height": 1122624, "spentComplexity": 0 }

55.37 ms