tx · 7cBwEUGMkFZwDHrANkndtGH9N5X1zgt2GYGcCH7dTGfE

3PQgvyLK62LHsHP9xDaBdUEYyEfUTRWmD8g:  +88888888.00000000 Solidus
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.08.14 07:10 [1126348] issue 3PQgvyLK62LHsHP9xDaBdUEYyEfUTRWmD8g > SELF +88888888.00000000 Solidus

{ "type": 3, "id": "7cBwEUGMkFZwDHrANkndtGH9N5X1zgt2GYGcCH7dTGfE", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1534219801515, "version": 1, "sender": "3PQgvyLK62LHsHP9xDaBdUEYyEfUTRWmD8g", "senderPublicKey": "67VwVJ9zfUUAbBwekEE5WTcYkEofT3wLNApauNhtEyTj", "proofs": [ "ktCqyVqNRNjDTHVLUX3A5Grbh9uxQdjGcavGLr6SVZyZkbegjhjynpT8GWe5C57erq2KqPgxkJAc4eU8YdwoiDu" ], "signature": "ktCqyVqNRNjDTHVLUX3A5Grbh9uxQdjGcavGLr6SVZyZkbegjhjynpT8GWe5C57erq2KqPgxkJAc4eU8YdwoiDu", "assetId": "7cBwEUGMkFZwDHrANkndtGH9N5X1zgt2GYGcCH7dTGfE", "name": "Solidus", "quantity": 8888888800000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "Solidus; The coin and legitimate currency of the once and future Eastern Roman Empire of Byzantium! We exist solely to restore the empire not just to it's former glory, but to establish a new legitimate regime that will unite the eastern lands of Europe in the honor of the greatest civilizations to have ever graced the face of this earth. Through the funds raised through the Solidus project, we swear to establish a non governmental organization (NGO) to fight the political battles to see the restoration of the empire and the return of the great city of Constantinople to it's rightful hands! To do so we will take ceaseless and constant action, through political and economic initiatives. Further, we will re-establish the traditions of the Knighthoods of Europe and honor the legacy of the Varangian Guard, in which for centuries, great men of the Cross of Christendom and the Hammer of our ancestral faiths had stood strong together, side by side against the foes of the West.", "height": 1126348, "spentComplexity": 0 }

242.75 ms