tx · 4eMmhTBW5M5JfPHshB4HJZCtatUmMUUYnGo45bsQrirG

3PLPaw5XBLLuKvZLDbvMUALZKeBMytZ9dfU:  +1000.000000 Waved Burn
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2019.09.18 05:44 [1711184] issue 3PLPaw5XBLLuKvZLDbvMUALZKeBMytZ9dfU > SELF +1000.000000 Waved Burn

{ "type": 3, "id": "4eMmhTBW5M5JfPHshB4HJZCtatUmMUUYnGo45bsQrirG", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1568774605972, "version": 2, "sender": "3PLPaw5XBLLuKvZLDbvMUALZKeBMytZ9dfU", "senderPublicKey": "8Yr35jypeHhRgRvk65wTfa7MdFZXgsHfqUmpnS73GqM5", "proofs": [ "YzjT9wBu7zsFe5jwsSKhKE7qLtMsNQdMDpiVa6w145R4PFCpuSvSBAQppb5XrAht9RsPoSELBNhJbxWSzWpPHXu" ], "assetId": "4eMmhTBW5M5JfPHshB4HJZCtatUmMUUYnGo45bsQrirG", "name": "Waved Burn", "quantity": 1000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 6, "description": "Waved Burn is a deflationary token & which has created on Waves chain.\nThe total supply of Waved Burn is only 1000 & there will be deflationary system that burn 0.4% from total supply of Waved Burn in per week.\nDeflationary function will stop when the supply will reduced to 600 Waved Burn & It is not reissuable.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1711184, "spentComplexity": 0 }

25.09 ms