3PGocsQkpqnUxf1seAJwpTeNZ9QTZ37UZxC:  +333000000 Ecoin Official
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.09.13 08:08 [1170341] issue 3PGocsQkpqnUxf1seAJwpTeNZ9QTZ37UZxC > SELF +333000000 Ecoin Official spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "ASmejNFC8XXBpSaQpY5FRiCqcJAKxEXNKkUjv3pPF4TS", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1536815322124, "version": 1, "sender": "3PGocsQkpqnUxf1seAJwpTeNZ9QTZ37UZxC", "senderPublicKey": "HYikupP4KAL8qbwNpu1ewnNhkgVEjx9txS1VSe1E8oZQ", "proofs": [ "5bibhQCSYsC4zKSxFWFTEaSu26p3yFhPRk9cYgwNbpJpXSv8bcSnuJZL7KbXdJwu3spKUb9u16ohyVSnhKJQXQvH" ], "signature": "5bibhQCSYsC4zKSxFWFTEaSu26p3yFhPRk9cYgwNbpJpXSv8bcSnuJZL7KbXdJwu3spKUb9u16ohyVSnhKJQXQvH", "assetId": "ASmejNFC8XXBpSaQpY5FRiCqcJAKxEXNKkUjv3pPF4TS", "name": "Ecoin Official", "quantity": 333000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 0, "description": "Currency aimed at investors who love to preserve and conserve the environment and its species. To fulfill our plans, our Ecoin Official coin will be offered for sale, a donation designed to help build a self-sustaining farm and sanctuary in Colombia, where domestic animals and some farm animals that have been abandoned and / or abused will be protected. care of these will be in charge of qualified personnel in the veterinary area, to other collaborating personnel. The farm will be composed of areas of organic crops, ecological trails, protected water sources, cultivation of forest to produce oxygen, lakes to produce fish, solar panels to power supply the farm. In the long term, a geriatric home, an ecological hotel, a vegan restaurant and a cafeteria will be held. The best thing is that you can use your Ecoin Official as a means of payment within the ecological complex and surroundings. Website https://ecoinofficial.com/", "height": 1170341, "spentComplexity": 0 }

39.41 ms