tx · 4WzEK49Abr4e1kZ55zYS1UKUUdkjCQvxqbHaZ37M5dYZ

3PN1wSUEkYNVrxtn6oNJgDbPuSZ5qTttFYC:  +777777777777.0000000 Cent
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.09.18 23:22 [1178592] issue 3PN1wSUEkYNVrxtn6oNJgDbPuSZ5qTttFYC > SELF +777777777777.0000000 Cent

{ "type": 3, "id": "4WzEK49Abr4e1kZ55zYS1UKUUdkjCQvxqbHaZ37M5dYZ", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1537302080429, "version": 1, "sender": "3PN1wSUEkYNVrxtn6oNJgDbPuSZ5qTttFYC", "senderPublicKey": "FY6THpX67XmCvgKS89NUB5UuDBvp12fDo6QeKohqsPMa", "proofs": [ "brp8SzJUZqggEZBeHGpbEwjLjMN5HUFHb1Zevjp9mAaqduSvbiTfB7YWF4hjMii2g3gvNb6YAL16HgnvvD9n5Cp" ], "signature": "brp8SzJUZqggEZBeHGpbEwjLjMN5HUFHb1Zevjp9mAaqduSvbiTfB7YWF4hjMii2g3gvNb6YAL16HgnvvD9n5Cp", "assetId": "4WzEK49Abr4e1kZ55zYS1UKUUdkjCQvxqbHaZ37M5dYZ", "name": "Cent", "quantity": 7777777777770000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 7, "description": "From our point of view and the entire cryptographic community, the lack of innovation within the field of financial heritage management, means we remain anchored to the past. The opportunity that is being offered to us to start being part of the leaders of the new digital era has never been so great and enormously beneficial for all.This access to technological modernization manages to alter the commercial models of the banks themselves by significantly reducing costs and greatly boosting market share gains through the digital acquisition of customers.In the next two years the new generation of the millennium will begin and we will be adapted to all the technologies that digital evolution brings us.", "height": 1178592, "spentComplexity": 0 }

58.97 ms