tx · 57mHRzz91z8XWuJPdkKKgfWMmbRvQDQM5QPDvrVnNqk7

3PCrp6836VAzwHMmm5Jm7UUUKagSnDS5HA2:  +1000000000.000 EXSERIO
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.09.29 23:07 [1194657] issue 3PCrp6836VAzwHMmm5Jm7UUUKagSnDS5HA2 > SELF +1000000000.000 EXSERIO

{ "type": 3, "id": "57mHRzz91z8XWuJPdkKKgfWMmbRvQDQM5QPDvrVnNqk7", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1538251630444, "version": 1, "sender": "3PCrp6836VAzwHMmm5Jm7UUUKagSnDS5HA2", "senderPublicKey": "61vCEo6KPNDML3TcYiTrS8EVimrrcg5NdN8iME5DJaLE", "proofs": [ "34eZLTjjfGQt2NYKzdvgUW9LDZvJtnRqxrLw4rfYbSsCZ6vCKGdnMMWiAHfBeiZ1b14SEdMotusvDFKdMGVxSL2J" ], "signature": "34eZLTjjfGQt2NYKzdvgUW9LDZvJtnRqxrLw4rfYbSsCZ6vCKGdnMMWiAHfBeiZ1b14SEdMotusvDFKdMGVxSL2J", "assetId": "57mHRzz91z8XWuJPdkKKgfWMmbRvQDQM5QPDvrVnNqk7", "name": "EXSERIO", "quantity": 1000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 3, "description": "It is a Japanese coin that spreads chip coin = "NAGESEN".\n\nAs a first goal, we plan to develop a dedicated wallet while facilitating system management and development so that everyone can use it as "chip coin" in various fields such as YouTube until 2019.\nIn 2019 we will launch a new business "EXSERION_NAGESEN" system and start a new business.\n\nAt the same time, in order to stabilize the amount of coins in the future, there is a possibility that the coin is repeatedly changed, but in the case of the coin folder the same amount or the same number of coins are distributed free of charge each time. I keep the value of the coin.\n\nFor newly launched projects, allocate a certain amount of sales to coins / folders according to the ownership of all investment target persons after the start of the project.\n\nDetails will be announced on HP and others.", "height": 1194657, "spentComplexity": 0 }

47.39 ms