tx · ECYKGCqMM5BMb3FV2uWaAo5iSTGqhBL7V59pjYXQp33r

3PF77FMaMbxV8Ci1WKoQsddCMNebRRhdjJq:  +1000000.00000000 DVSM
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.09.30 22:44 [1196088] issue 3PF77FMaMbxV8Ci1WKoQsddCMNebRRhdjJq > SELF +1000000.00000000 DVSM

{ "type": 3, "id": "ECYKGCqMM5BMb3FV2uWaAo5iSTGqhBL7V59pjYXQp33r", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1538336614616, "version": 1, "sender": "3PF77FMaMbxV8Ci1WKoQsddCMNebRRhdjJq", "senderPublicKey": "HqgCJwh2Yg1jpXVJZFmTR8MvX3LgnsHZwnoE2SXaVeTL", "proofs": [ "4KwpmfwLNDdzNMwTfQJYA7RTmPFN6K8VRcW4u88wWLDEQvtdCynEkHNhRKmqBSDPhLFfDZ7VQQVy6rqnyg4QY7g" ], "signature": "4KwpmfwLNDdzNMwTfQJYA7RTmPFN6K8VRcW4u88wWLDEQvtdCynEkHNhRKmqBSDPhLFfDZ7VQQVy6rqnyg4QY7g", "assetId": "ECYKGCqMM5BMb3FV2uWaAo5iSTGqhBL7V59pjYXQp33r", "name": "DVSM", "quantity": 100000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "www.dvseamaster.fi \nThis is a social and at the same time an environmental project that is designed for the bright future of our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. This is a start-important project for our people from the future, regardless of the faith of the confession, regardless of the color of the skin, regardless of the place of residence. This project is important for all the inhabitants of our planet, help make the ocean cleaner! By buying our tokens you help clear the ocean of debris. We are glad that you will think right and realize your project. Together we will do this and show the world what is possible. Thank you, dear investors! \nFor more information visit www.dvseamaster.fi", "height": 1196088, "spentComplexity": 0 }

49.09 ms