tx · G1VCMAnTUJdM7mgakqZoLeYpmcpKfb1yQsyX6Akpyc5X

3PLwJ9Xd8yFyBM94nixTAEy7FLitximu75H:  +5000000.00000000 Poins
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.10.05 17:05 [1203093] issue 3PLwJ9Xd8yFyBM94nixTAEy7FLitximu75H > SELF +5000000.00000000 Poins

{ "type": 3, "id": "G1VCMAnTUJdM7mgakqZoLeYpmcpKfb1yQsyX6Akpyc5X", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1538748321053, "version": 2, "sender": "3PLwJ9Xd8yFyBM94nixTAEy7FLitximu75H", "senderPublicKey": "267yhcynk8mxieWo4DQi8ZduuJHV1T4bne5jFgixwVn2", "proofs": [ "31Q3UdD3D7UZ6jt1ExBGmvAxefVoDG7fz351nqko9Dp8Yz4LYt6o5LU4wUUxD4Fdv5wSp6YtcsPYhWtw48ohDWtC" ], "assetId": "G1VCMAnTUJdM7mgakqZoLeYpmcpKfb1yQsyX6Akpyc5X", "name": "Poins", "quantity": 500000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "Armed with previous work experience where our ICO was successfully sold in the\nmarket, we formed a work team and gave birth to a business concept that we call\nPOINS. POINS (Cryptocurrency Integrated System) is the name we have chosen,\nand we consider it represents of the overall project that we will be working on.\nPOINS will be the solution for all the opportunities that have been described previously.\nPlease visit our website for complete details of our project and we would like everyone to be part of it.\n\nTO THE MOON.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1203093, "spentComplexity": 0 }

42.84 ms