tx · 4VfPvCJC5zh2peCmp7LuZoK81QcY8A6hE1r9UgC2y9iR

3PKjxrcF6STJ1KWUYuwAJFwSezc2Xinpd76:  +95700000.00000000 Namacoin
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.10.29 05:43 [1237502] issue 3PKjxrcF6STJ1KWUYuwAJFwSezc2Xinpd76 > SELF +95700000.00000000 Namacoin

{ "type": 3, "id": "4VfPvCJC5zh2peCmp7LuZoK81QcY8A6hE1r9UgC2y9iR", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1540781073613, "version": 2, "sender": "3PKjxrcF6STJ1KWUYuwAJFwSezc2Xinpd76", "senderPublicKey": "HHrJbm5mdQqCTcUSNjF5B6PWyvmnkHyjNrqcLFHAueGH", "proofs": [ "zMPDRPnhahpuHd6Z1cnzHNnrXHkuynkaiwv6SRBCH2Dsdqxw1fEAouZi4oUBxWPJBFZSy3uw36GR2BfZbZdMszw" ], "assetId": "4VfPvCJC5zh2peCmp7LuZoK81QcY8A6hE1r9UgC2y9iR", "name": "Namacoin", "quantity": 9570000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "Namastree was created with the intention of developing a better world and giving the third world countries population a better life with an IOT device that transforms solar energy into basic services while storing usage data in a data room. \nThe Nama Platform is a platform based on the Waves public standard that serves as a data distributor.\n\nEach Namacoin transaction to the platform will automatically activate a smart contract by sending part of the commissions to the pre-selected areas where the Namastree are installed for humanitarian causes. \nNamacoin aims to become the token for data scientists and many others to support the development of third world countries in an easy, fast and secure way.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1237502, "spentComplexity": 0 }

53.43 ms