tx · B3FAVuRWeu5ZZD3X5kBmLnWjpW2Zg6JQPJ2ExXw6uQRZ

3PPToNZj5W4CdCBSQMc3RGx9Ms6DkitwR34:  +77000000000.00000 Xpeer Coin
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.11.26 11:34 [1278938] issue 3PPToNZj5W4CdCBSQMc3RGx9Ms6DkitwR34 > SELF +77000000000.00000 Xpeer Coin

{ "type": 3, "id": "B3FAVuRWeu5ZZD3X5kBmLnWjpW2Zg6JQPJ2ExXw6uQRZ", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1543221238691, "version": 2, "sender": "3PPToNZj5W4CdCBSQMc3RGx9Ms6DkitwR34", "senderPublicKey": "9mQEo9WopXbSYQp5KqnBEZvj5UXftBNZMHsm6aJd2S9G", "proofs": [ "3s9GkJjNQ69XdiwFawGEXFiC6ugW6BgrTwCU7iA8rAD7sZkm5eDmajovD9mAa1eo4CoSzoNRnhNMz6sbXqFkgERu" ], "assetId": "B3FAVuRWeu5ZZD3X5kBmLnWjpW2Zg6JQPJ2ExXw6uQRZ", "name": "Xpeer Coin", "quantity": 7700000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 5, "description": "We are preparing a platform to trade accounts and items from online games around the world with Xpeer coins and share information on each game through the platform to get Xpeer coins\nbeginning in 2018, global online game transactions will take place in seconds through the block chain \nYou can trade with anyone.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1278938, "spentComplexity": 0 }

42.09 ms