tx · FBFchGHYs4UNmqASWXzErkXVQK72Yo4V6Ngd5YgJhYah

3P7tN7b3uP51xYRbSqrSFw6JdAWqfZPUHHS:  +10000000.000 RAcoin
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.12.03 14:46 [1289421] issue 3P7tN7b3uP51xYRbSqrSFw6JdAWqfZPUHHS > SELF +10000000.000 RAcoin spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "FBFchGHYs4UNmqASWXzErkXVQK72Yo4V6Ngd5YgJhYah", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1543837633828, "version": 2, "sender": "3P7tN7b3uP51xYRbSqrSFw6JdAWqfZPUHHS", "senderPublicKey": "GAV8qQqJPJt9ThYBrwLih2qGEQpJfHjjZyNLMqBKHJS", "proofs": [ "4RYmX4keEJKbUXJhLC5zTia8VJEvfspk1YCc78wMoTiFHK7QAuCRmSMGDma7jPyQ4ovuforgPVE1Hza9THZEnGxT" ], "assetId": "FBFchGHYs4UNmqASWXzErkXVQK72Yo4V6Ngd5YgJhYah", "name": "RAcoin", "quantity": 10000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 3, "description": "Innovation based token, RAcoin token's value will be determined by profit which our startups will gain and provide a trade worthy and profitable token on WAVE blockchain.\n\nwe do not guarantee a specific return or token value increase in a year period but we can assure that our crew are experienced developers in field of fintech and SaaS and we currently started some new projects and we will share our profit with other Token owners in term of value increasment on this coin", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1289421, "spentComplexity": 0 }

47.65 ms