tx · 4vSGe3Yr4r9SfF1ab2R8EEf39AsMczakM9Gb7Fsa91BL

3PCpYWb2KxZRkYZ6Qg4vgA2ZCdhMe3BHFNK:  +50000.00000000 SpecFX
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2019.01.18 21:46 [1357088] issue 3PCpYWb2KxZRkYZ6Qg4vgA2ZCdhMe3BHFNK > SELF +50000.00000000 SpecFX

{ "type": 3, "id": "4vSGe3Yr4r9SfF1ab2R8EEf39AsMczakM9Gb7Fsa91BL", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1547837172375, "version": 2, "sender": "3PCpYWb2KxZRkYZ6Qg4vgA2ZCdhMe3BHFNK", "senderPublicKey": "6M95fPgCQBWXrsr8m4JJiDbxdfWkxSQgDVpCHrnBuSCD", "proofs": [ "5KzL63BW7DYXkmEhzCv1D7UDbPWmPBvnZbRShGaAqfcjTfHKpY7xqvXMubQS8wcsgcTKLDj6rdPwYRDsc7UCdwFN" ], "assetId": "4vSGe3Yr4r9SfF1ab2R8EEf39AsMczakM9Gb7Fsa91BL", "name": "SpecFX", "quantity": 5000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "specfx.io \n\nPortfolio stable coin for a speculative FX account. One FXtoken represents 1 of 50000 USD initially invested. The value will trade higher as the FXtokens account trades higher. 1 token will always be redeemable for 1/50000th of the account's USD value. This means if the value of the account is at $75,000 (after taxes/management fees are paid for the previous year), each SpecFX will be worth $1.50. You could also trade them on the WAVES platform, although you may not get the ideal price from other bidders in the market. To get fair value you need to wait for redemption period. \n\nRedemptions into USD may only be made annually after taxes and expenses have been paid. These FXtokens will then be listed back onto the WAVES exchange. \n\nManagement fee is 10% of annual profits. The incredible thing about token portfolios is liquidity to move in and out of the portfolio throughout the year, without being forced to wait for redemption period, but still being guaranteed by redemption.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1357088, "spentComplexity": 0 }

52.36 ms