tx · 5qi2LryMEUpQu3soT8kpfzQn9EYp6GZdNkmz1ANJQ6jQ

3P9NJDHRik79Xxz4kuGtxwsSc7utu7BrrMA:  +1000000000.00000000 KryptoBroker
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2021.01.19 20:40 [2424374] issue 3P9NJDHRik79Xxz4kuGtxwsSc7utu7BrrMA > SELF +1000000000.00000000 KryptoBroker

{ "type": 3, "id": "5qi2LryMEUpQu3soT8kpfzQn9EYp6GZdNkmz1ANJQ6jQ", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1611077985675, "version": 2, "sender": "3P9NJDHRik79Xxz4kuGtxwsSc7utu7BrrMA", "senderPublicKey": "Eh44GgGiZB51XvBzBB2XCfT3cAtTR74ci5eAiT3pLYyJ", "proofs": [ "31WpzHPd5Rin69r6Ya4jERfvcKoxaDN1TEq5e2KZ9oGCUEn6RfxpAdSeYFJRejfVX12yn6Foq1wonzjt7TsDDmNz" ], "assetId": "5qi2LryMEUpQu3soT8kpfzQn9EYp6GZdNkmz1ANJQ6jQ", "name": "KryptoBroker", "quantity": 100000000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "Get passive income in cryptocurrency CryptoBroker [CBR] from 4% to 30% or more per month thanks to staking. staking.kryptobroker.site is a web platform with multiple privacy protection where you can place your cryptocurrency CryptoBroker [CBR] to earn interest.\nHow it works?\n1. Buy cryptocurrency CryptoBroker [CBR] for WAVES and other assets.\n2. Create a software wallet on the staking.kryptobroker.site platform to store cryptocorrels.\n3. Transfer your CryptoBroker [CBR] coins from the exchange to your wallet on the staking platform.\n4. Next, transfer the CryptoBroker [CBR] coin to any pool available in your personal account to earn interest.\n\n* Crypto-currency CryptoBroker [CBR], when placed in a pool on the platform, is deposited for the period of the selected package, interest is calculated daily and available for withdrawal.\n\n** Cryptocurrency CryptoBroker [CBR] may be available to pay transaction fees within the WAVES blockchain, its use is most beneficial within the blockchain.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2424374, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

38.70 ms