tx · 5xymoNZKBPx1fyrujXLkrq5H9qpncUU7CeTN9CS7bFPo

3P5sEabyQ1v5wwnupA4HRaMWhqFqHLkP8kE:  -0.01000000 Waves

2022.03.07 02:25 [3017883] smart account 3P5sEabyQ1v5wwnupA4HRaMWhqFqHLkP8kE > SELF 0.00000000 Waves

{ "type": 13, "id": "5xymoNZKBPx1fyrujXLkrq5H9qpncUU7CeTN9CS7bFPo", "fee": 1000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1646609184944, "version": 2, "chainId": 87, "sender": "3P5sEabyQ1v5wwnupA4HRaMWhqFqHLkP8kE", "senderPublicKey": "BzbdxmK65zWMTAhz3ScdW2mzYCdJjBvpcPUWYkVfbY8H", "proofs": [ "JXLrLk82AKt4cNsT2Q86Jtjqd57CZGTDnWQqNBGNY1hATVWmApxG7kWq42mrpYP9e91sWMncV2c6Yb6zDbVpCTz" ], "script": null, "height": 3017883, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 } View: original | compacted Prev: C8tz2Ee5Q4Mq8uUY96PoME5XrTvkGLiBPtt7siXUofiN Next: none Full:
1-{-# STDLIB_VERSION 5 #-}
4-let lpAssetId = base58'97zHFp1C3cB7qfvx8Xv5f2rWp9nUSG5UnAamfPcW6txf'
6-let wxAssetId = base58'Atqv59EYzjFGuitKVnMRk6H8FukjoV3ktPorbEys25on'
8-let wxbAssetId = base58'BbP9tmd5Zxk345y9zipXkYaqDfxDG1suTj64eJmy1BAT'
10-let proxyAddress = Address(base58'3PNddrQQUWav8dXH7C9tProPMPz4DZjM1qZ')
12-let roundHeight = 360
14-let targetBlock = 2981380
16-let limit = 100000000000
19-func deposit () = {
20- let isDepositLocked = valueOrElse(getBoolean("deposit_locked"), false)
21- let previousBalance = valueOrElse(getInteger("total_balance"), 0)
22- let isValidBlock = (targetBlock > height)
23- let isInitialized = valueOrElse(getBoolean("initialized"), false)
24- let isFirstBlockReached = (height >= valueOrElse(getInteger("first_block"), 0))
25- if (if (if (if (if (if (if (if (!(isDepositLocked))
26- then isInitialized
27- else false)
28- then isFirstBlockReached
29- else false)
30- then (size(i.payments) == 1)
31- else false)
32- then (i.payments[0].amount > 0)
33- else false)
34- then (i.payments[0].assetId == lpAssetId)
35- else false)
36- then isValidBlock
37- else false)
38- then (limit >= (previousBalance + i.payments[0].amount))
39- else false)
40- then {
41- let startBlock = getIntegerValue("start_block")
42- func getWalletPreviousShare () = {
43- let lastDepositBlock = valueOrElse(getInteger((toString(i.caller) + "_last_deposit_block")), 0)
44- let lastWithdrawBlock = valueOrElse(getInteger((toString(i.caller) + "_last_withdraw_block")), 0)
45- let previousShare = if (if (if ((lastDepositBlock != 0))
46- then (startBlock > lastDepositBlock)
47- else false)
48- then (startBlock > lastWithdrawBlock)
49- else false)
50- then {
51- let walletBalance = valueOrElse(getInteger((toString(i.caller) + "_balance")), 0)
52- (toBigInt(walletBalance) * toBigInt(roundHeight))
53- }
54- else parseBigIntValue(valueOrElse(getString((((toString(i.caller) + "_") + toString(startBlock)) + "_share")), "0"))
55- previousShare
56- }
58- func getTotalPreviousShare () = {
59- let lastDepositBlock = valueOrElse(getInteger("last_deposit_block"), 0)
60- let lastWithdrawBlock = valueOrElse(getInteger("last_withdraw_block"), 0)
61- let previousShare = if (if (if ((lastDepositBlock != 0))
62- then (startBlock > lastDepositBlock)
63- else false)
64- then (startBlock > lastWithdrawBlock)
65- else false)
66- then {
67- let totalBalance = valueOrElse(getInteger("total_balance"), 0)
68- (toBigInt(totalBalance) * toBigInt(roundHeight))
69- }
70- else parseBigIntValue(valueOrElse(getString((toString(startBlock) + "_total_share")), "0"))
71- previousShare
72- }
74- let walletPreviousShare = getWalletPreviousShare()
75- let depositShare = if ((height > (startBlock + roundHeight)))
76- then toBigInt(0)
77- else (toBigInt(i.payments[0].amount) * toBigInt(((startBlock + roundHeight) - height)))
78- let walletShare = (walletPreviousShare + depositShare)
79- let walletPreviousBalance = valueOrElse(getInteger((toString(i.caller) + "_balance")), 0)
80- let walletBalance = (walletPreviousBalance + i.payments[0].amount)
81- let totalPreviousShare = getTotalPreviousShare()
82- let totalShare = (totalPreviousShare + depositShare)
83- let previousTotalBalance = valueOrElse(getInteger("total_balance"), 0)
84- let totalBalance = (previousTotalBalance + i.payments[0].amount)
85- let depositCall = invoke(proxyAddress, "stakeLP", nil, [AttachedPayment(i.payments[0].assetId, i.payments[0].amount)])
86- if ((depositCall == depositCall))
87- then {
88- let previousWalletActivity = match getString((toString(i.caller) + "_activity")) {
89- case p: String =>
90- true
91- case n: Unit =>
92- false
93- case _ =>
94- throw("Match error")
95- }
96- let walletActivity = if (previousWalletActivity)
97- then if (!(contains(getStringValue((toString(i.caller) + "_activity")), toString(startBlock))))
98- then ((getStringValue((toString(i.caller) + "_activity")) + "_") + toString(startBlock))
99- else getStringValue((toString(i.caller) + "_activity"))
100- else toString(startBlock)
101- let firstDeposit = match getInteger((toString(i.caller) + "_first_deposit")) {
102- case p: Int =>
103- p
104- case n: Unit =>
105- startBlock
106- case _ =>
107- throw("Match error")
108- }
109- $Tuple2([IntegerEntry((toString(i.caller) + "_balance"), walletBalance), StringEntry((((toString(i.caller) + "_") + toString(startBlock)) + "_share"), toString(walletShare)), IntegerEntry((((toString(i.caller) + "_") + toString(startBlock)) + "_balance"), walletBalance), StringEntry((toString(i.caller) + "_activity"), walletActivity), IntegerEntry((toString(i.caller) + "_last_deposit_block"), startBlock), IntegerEntry((toString(i.caller) + "_first_deposit"), firstDeposit), IntegerEntry("total_balance", totalBalance), StringEntry((toString(startBlock) + "_total_share"), toString(totalShare)), IntegerEntry("last_deposit_block", startBlock)], unit)
110- }
111- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
112- }
113- else throw("")
114- }
119-func withdraw (amount) = {
120- let isWithdrawLocked = valueOrElse(getBoolean("withdraw_locked"), false)
121- let walletPreviousBalance = valueOrElse(getInteger((toString(i.caller) + "_balance")), 0)
122- if (if (if (if (!(isWithdrawLocked))
123- then (amount > 0)
124- else false)
125- then (walletPreviousBalance > 0)
126- else false)
127- then (walletPreviousBalance >= amount)
128- else false)
129- then {
130- let startBlock = getIntegerValue("start_block")
131- func getWalletPreviousShare () = {
132- let lastDepositBlock = valueOrElse(getInteger((toString(i.caller) + "_last_deposit_block")), 0)
133- let lastWithdrawBlock = valueOrElse(getInteger((toString(i.caller) + "_last_withdraw_block")), 0)
134- let previousShare = if (if ((startBlock > lastDepositBlock))
135- then (startBlock > lastWithdrawBlock)
136- else false)
137- then {
138- let walletBalance = valueOrElse(getInteger((toString(i.caller) + "_balance")), 0)
139- (toBigInt(walletBalance) * toBigInt(roundHeight))
140- }
141- else parseBigIntValue(valueOrElse(getString((((toString(i.caller) + "_") + toString(startBlock)) + "_share")), "0"))
142- previousShare
143- }
145- func getTotalPreviousShare () = {
146- let lastDepositBlock = valueOrElse(getInteger("last_deposit_block"), 0)
147- let lastWithdrawBlock = valueOrElse(getInteger("last_withdraw_block"), 0)
148- let previousShare = if (if ((startBlock > lastDepositBlock))
149- then (startBlock > lastWithdrawBlock)
150- else false)
151- then {
152- let totalBalance = valueOrElse(getInteger("total_balance"), 0)
153- (toBigInt(totalBalance) * toBigInt(roundHeight))
154- }
155- else parseBigIntValue(valueOrElse(getString((toString(startBlock) + "_total_share")), "0"))
156- previousShare
157- }
159- let walletBalance = (walletPreviousBalance - amount)
160- let withdrawShare = if ((height > (startBlock + roundHeight)))
161- then toBigInt(0)
162- else (toBigInt(amount) * toBigInt(((startBlock + roundHeight) - height)))
163- let walletShare = (getWalletPreviousShare() - withdrawShare)
164- let totalBalance = (valueOrElse(getInteger("total_balance"), 0) - amount)
165- let totalShare = (getTotalPreviousShare() - withdrawShare)
166- let previousWalletActivity = match getString((toString(i.caller) + "_activity")) {
167- case p: String =>
168- true
169- case n: Unit =>
170- false
171- case _ =>
172- throw("Match error")
173- }
174- let walletActivity = if (previousWalletActivity)
175- then if (!(contains(getStringValue((toString(i.caller) + "_activity")), toString(startBlock))))
176- then ((getStringValue((toString(i.caller) + "_activity")) + "_") + toString(startBlock))
177- else getStringValue((toString(i.caller) + "_activity"))
178- else toString(startBlock)
179- let isEnded = valueOrElse(getBoolean("ended"), false)
180- if (!(isEnded))
181- then {
182- let withdrawCall = invoke(proxyAddress, "unstakeLP", [amount], nil)
183- if ((withdrawCall == withdrawCall))
184- then $Tuple2([ScriptTransfer(i.caller, amount, lpAssetId), IntegerEntry((toString(i.caller) + "_balance"), walletBalance), StringEntry((((toString(i.caller) + "_") + toString(startBlock)) + "_share"), toString(walletShare)), IntegerEntry((((toString(i.caller) + "_") + toString(startBlock)) + "_balance"), walletBalance), StringEntry((toString(i.caller) + "_activity"), walletActivity), IntegerEntry((toString(i.caller) + "_last_withdraw_block"), startBlock), IntegerEntry("total_balance", totalBalance), StringEntry((toString(startBlock) + "_total_share"), toString(totalShare)), IntegerEntry("last_withdraw_block", startBlock)], unit)
185- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
186- }
187- else {
188- let endBlock = getIntegerValue("end_block")
189- $Tuple2([ScriptTransfer(i.caller, amount, lpAssetId), IntegerEntry((toString(i.caller) + "_balance"), walletBalance), IntegerEntry((toString(i.caller) + "_last_withdraw_block"), endBlock), IntegerEntry("total_balance", totalBalance), IntegerEntry("last_withdraw_block", endBlock)], unit)
190- }
191- }
192- else throw("")
193- }
198-func end () = {
199- let isEndLocked = valueOrElse(getBoolean("end_locked"), false)
200- let startBlock = getIntegerValue("start_block")
201- let isEnded = valueOrElse(getBoolean((("start_block_" + toString(startBlock)) + "_ended")), false)
202- let isValidBlock = (height >= (startBlock + roundHeight))
203- if (if (if (if (!(isEndLocked))
204- then !(isEnded)
205- else false)
206- then isValidBlock
207- else false)
208- then (targetBlock > startBlock)
209- else false)
210- then {
211- let previousWXAmount = assetBalance(this, wxAssetId)
212- if ((previousWXAmount == previousWXAmount))
213- then {
214- let previousWXBAmount = assetBalance(this, wxbAssetId)
215- if ((previousWXBAmount == previousWXBAmount))
216- then {
217- let claimWXCall = invoke(proxyAddress, "claim", nil, nil)
218- if ((claimWXCall == claimWXCall))
219- then {
220- let roundWXRewardAmount = (assetBalance(this, wxAssetId) - previousWXAmount)
221- if ((roundWXRewardAmount == roundWXRewardAmount))
222- then {
223- let roundWXBRewardAmount = (assetBalance(this, wxbAssetId) - previousWXBAmount)
224- if ((roundWXBRewardAmount == roundWXBRewardAmount))
225- then {
226- let totalWXRewardAmount = (valueOrElse(getInteger(this, "total_wx_reward_amount"), 0) + roundWXRewardAmount)
227- let totalWXBRewardAmount = (valueOrElse(getInteger(this, "total_wxb_reward_amount"), 0) + roundWXBRewardAmount)
228- let roundShare = match getString((toString(startBlock) + "_total_share")) {
229- case p: String =>
230- p
231- case n: Unit =>
232- toString((toBigInt(valueOrElse(getInteger("total_balance"), 0)) * toBigInt(roundHeight)))
233- case _ =>
234- throw("Match error")
235- }
236- let roundActivity = match getString("round_activity") {
237- case p: String =>
238- ((p + "_") + toString(startBlock))
239- case n: Unit =>
240- toString(startBlock)
241- case _ =>
242- throw("Match error")
243- }
244- let rewardAmount = getIntegerValue("reward_amount")
245- if ((height >= targetBlock))
246- then {
247- let totalBalance = valueOrElse(getInteger("total_balance"), 0)
248- let withdrawAll = invoke(proxyAddress, "unstakeLP", [totalBalance], nil)
249- if ((withdrawAll == withdrawAll))
250- then $Tuple2([ScriptTransfer(i.caller, rewardAmount, wxbAssetId), IntegerEntry((("start_block_" + toString(startBlock)) + "_end_block"), height), BooleanEntry((("start_block_" + toString(startBlock)) + "_ended"), true), IntegerEntry((("start_block_" + toString(startBlock)) + "_wx_reward_amount"), roundWXRewardAmount), IntegerEntry((("start_block_" + toString(startBlock)) + "_wxb_reward_amount"), roundWXBRewardAmount), IntegerEntry("total_wx_reward_amount", totalWXRewardAmount), IntegerEntry("total_wxb_reward_amount", totalWXBRewardAmount), StringEntry((toString(startBlock) + "_total_share"), roundShare), StringEntry("round_activity", roundActivity), BooleanEntry("ended", true), IntegerEntry("end_block", height)], unit)
251- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
252- }
253- else $Tuple2([ScriptTransfer(i.caller, rewardAmount, wxbAssetId), IntegerEntry((("start_block_" + toString(startBlock)) + "_end_block"), height), BooleanEntry((("start_block_" + toString(startBlock)) + "_ended"), true), IntegerEntry((("start_block_" + toString(startBlock)) + "_wx_reward_amount"), roundWXRewardAmount), IntegerEntry((("start_block_" + toString(startBlock)) + "_wxb_reward_amount"), roundWXBRewardAmount), IntegerEntry("total_wx_reward_amount", totalWXRewardAmount), IntegerEntry("total_wxb_reward_amount", totalWXBRewardAmount), StringEntry((toString(startBlock) + "_total_share"), roundShare), StringEntry("round_activity", roundActivity), IntegerEntry("start_block", height)], unit)
254- }
255- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
256- }
257- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
258- }
259- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
260- }
261- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
262- }
263- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
264- }
265- else throw("")
266- }
271-func claim (startBlock) = {
272- let isClaimLocked = valueOrElse(getBoolean("claim_locked"), false)
273- let isEnded = valueOrElse(getBoolean((("start_block_" + toString(startBlock)) + "_ended")), false)
274- let isClaimed = valueOrElse(getBoolean((((toString(i.caller) + "_") + toString(startBlock)) + "_claimed")), false)
275- let firstBlock = getIntegerValue("first_block")
276- if (if (if (if (if (!(isClaimLocked))
277- then isEnded
278- else false)
279- then !(isClaimed)
280- else false)
281- then (targetBlock > startBlock)
282- else false)
283- then (startBlock >= firstBlock)
284- else false)
285- then {
286- func getWalletShare () = {
287- let lastDepositBlock = valueOrElse(getInteger((toString(i.caller) + "_last_deposit_block")), 0)
288- let lastWithdrawBlock = valueOrElse(getInteger((toString(i.caller) + "_last_withdraw_block")), 0)
289- let walletShare = if ((lastDepositBlock == 0))
290- then throw("")
291- else if ((valueOrElse(getString((((toString(i.caller) + "_") + toString(startBlock)) + "_share")), "0") != "0"))
292- then parseBigIntValue(getStringValue((((toString(i.caller) + "_") + toString(startBlock)) + "_share")))
293- else if ((valueOrElse(getString((((toString(i.caller) + "_") + toString(startBlock)) + "_share")), "-1") == "0"))
294- then toBigInt(0)
295- else if (if ((startBlock > lastDepositBlock))
296- then (startBlock > lastWithdrawBlock)
297- else false)
298- then {
299- let walletBalance = valueOrElse(getInteger((toString(i.caller) + "_balance")), 0)
300- (toBigInt(walletBalance) * toBigInt(roundHeight))
301- }
302- else {
303- let firstDeposit = getIntegerValue((toString(i.caller) + "_first_deposit"))
304- if (!((startBlock > firstDeposit)))
305- then throw("")
306- else {
307- let rounds = getStringValue("round_activity")
308- let previousRounds = dropRight(rounds, ((size(rounds) + 1) - value(indexOf(rounds, toString(startBlock)))))
309- let theIndexOfTheClosestRound = if ((valueOrElse(lastIndexOf(previousRounds, "_"), 0) != 0))
310- then (value(lastIndexOf(previousRounds, "_")) + 1)
311- else 0
312- let closestRound = drop(previousRounds, theIndexOfTheClosestRound)
313- let activities = split(getStringValue((toString(i.caller) + "_activity")), "_")
314- func findClosest (acc,next) = {
315- let closest = if (if ((value(parseInt(closestRound)) > value(parseInt(next))))
316- then (value(parseInt(next)) > value(parseInt(acc)))
317- else false)
318- then next
319- else acc
320- closest
321- }
323- let closestActivity = if (containsElement(activities, closestRound))
324- then closestRound
325- else {
326- let closest = {
327- let $l = activities
328- let $s = size($l)
329- let $acc0 = "0"
330- func $f0_1 ($a,$i) = if (($i >= $s))
331- then $a
332- else findClosest($a, $l[$i])
334- func $f0_2 ($a,$i) = if (($i >= $s))
335- then $a
336- else throw("List size exceeds 53")
338- $f0_2($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($acc0, 0), 1), 2), 3), 4), 5), 6), 7), 8), 9), 10), 11), 12), 13), 14), 15), 16), 17), 18), 19), 20), 21), 22), 23), 24), 25), 26), 27), 28), 29), 30), 31), 32), 33), 34), 35), 36), 37), 38), 39), 40), 41), 42), 43), 44), 45), 46), 47), 48), 49), 50), 51), 52), 53)
339- }
340- closest
341- }
342- let theShare = (toBigInt(getIntegerValue((((toString(i.caller) + "_") + closestActivity) + "_balance"))) * toBigInt(roundHeight))
343- theShare
344- }
345- }
346- walletShare
347- }
349- let walletShare = getWalletShare()
350- if ((walletShare > toBigInt(0)))
351- then {
352- let totalShare = parseBigIntValue(getStringValue((toString(startBlock) + "_total_share")))
353- let roundTotalWXReward = valueOrElse(getInteger((("start_block_" + toString(startBlock)) + "_wx_reward_amount")), 0)
354- let roundUserWXReward = toInt(fraction(walletShare, toBigInt(roundTotalWXReward), totalShare))
355- let roundTotalWXBReward = valueOrElse(getInteger((("start_block_" + toString(startBlock)) + "_wxb_reward_amount")), 0)
356- let roundUserWXBReward = toInt(fraction(walletShare, toBigInt(roundTotalWXBReward), totalShare))
357- let roundTotalClaimedWX = (valueOrElse(getInteger((toString(startBlock) + "_total_claimed_wx_reward_amount")), 0) + roundUserWXReward)
358- let totalClaimedWX = (valueOrElse(getInteger("total_claimed_wx_reward_amount"), 0) + roundUserWXReward)
359- let roundTotalClaimedWXB = (valueOrElse(getInteger((toString(startBlock) + "_total_claimed_wxb_reward_amount")), 0) + roundUserWXBReward)
360- let totalClaimedWXB = (valueOrElse(getInteger("total_claimed_wxb_reward_amount"), 0) + roundUserWXBReward)
361- let userTotalClaimedWX = (valueOrElse(getInteger((toString(i.caller) + "_total_claimed_wx_amount")), 0) + roundUserWXReward)
362- let userTotalClaimedWXB = (valueOrElse(getInteger((toString(i.caller) + "_total_claimed_wxb_amount")), 0) + roundUserWXBReward)
363- $Tuple2([ScriptTransfer(i.caller, roundUserWXReward, wxAssetId), ScriptTransfer(i.caller, roundUserWXBReward, wxbAssetId), BooleanEntry((((toString(i.caller) + "_") + toString(startBlock)) + "_claimed"), true), IntegerEntry((toString(i.caller) + "_total_claimed_wx_amount"), userTotalClaimedWX), IntegerEntry((toString(startBlock) + "_total_claimed_wx_reward_amount"), roundTotalClaimedWX), IntegerEntry("total_claimed_wx_reward_amount", totalClaimedWX), IntegerEntry((toString(i.caller) + "_total_claimed_wxb_amount"), userTotalClaimedWXB), IntegerEntry((toString(startBlock) + "_total_claimed_wxb_reward_amount"), roundTotalClaimedWXB), IntegerEntry("total_claimed_wxb_reward_amount", totalClaimedWXB)], unit)
364- }
365- else throw("")
366- }
367- else throw("")
368- }
373-func init (startBlock) = {
374- let isInitialized = valueOrElse(getBoolean("initialized"), false)
375- if (!(isInitialized))
376- then $Tuple2([BooleanEntry("initialized", true), IntegerEntry("start_block", startBlock), IntegerEntry("first_block", startBlock), IntegerEntry("reward_amount", 10000000000)], unit)
377- else throw("")
378- }
383-func changeRewardAmount (amount) = if ((i.caller == this))
384- then $Tuple2([IntegerEntry("reward_amount", amount)], unit)
385- else throw("")
390-func lock (deposit,withdraw,end,claim) = if ((i.caller == this))
391- then $Tuple2([BooleanEntry("deposit_locked", deposit), BooleanEntry("withdraw_locked", withdraw), BooleanEntry("end_locked", end), BooleanEntry("claim_locked", claim)], unit)
392- else throw("")
1+# no script

48.03 ms