tx · DVXMh2qkwpP68gS4jiaQket1mcGscWPbbWNgFd5rRMpU

3PHUBgFwat6yAyTvdVvFD3GdBTr78E4HL7w:  +56000000.00000000 MRCRAPID(MRC)
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2019.03.02 08:09 [1419067] issue 3PHUBgFwat6yAyTvdVvFD3GdBTr78E4HL7w > SELF +56000000.00000000 MRCRAPID(MRC)

{ "type": 3, "id": "DVXMh2qkwpP68gS4jiaQket1mcGscWPbbWNgFd5rRMpU", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1551503372680, "version": 2, "sender": "3PHUBgFwat6yAyTvdVvFD3GdBTr78E4HL7w", "senderPublicKey": "B7PN1PJJhqeoh4TpeRcugvtFrN5bcqZmZLRNENQMk8BU", "proofs": [ "4dTvwsVrRTZBVsQjwaj2BzJXqmdp3J7fAWWkoBsYGjpNSt3kbzamsxQ1TUq3gR3oEXQ8h3oXXReXxWrhD79z6BDJ" ], "assetId": "DVXMh2qkwpP68gS4jiaQket1mcGscWPbbWNgFd5rRMpU", "name": "MRCRAPID(MRC)", "quantity": 5600000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "MRCrapid Coin is developed and brought to business by the experts from China, Hongkong, Singapore and Japan to ease the crypto revolution in financial products. It is developed under its own highly secure encrypted decentralized blockchain technology. MRCrapid coin is been tested, approved and accepted by most of the industry giants who has already started using the MRC (MRCrapid Coin) in their closed B2B sector.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1419067, "spentComplexity": 0 }

79.02 ms