tx · CzdUqheNYFgueXd7hCmD7idKbZqg7VqKNJh3npmjGQcj

3P4SKcpw7QtrU53s1oEz7XLF68rWUwcVxtm:  +99999000000.000000 SolarWaves
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2019.03.31 15:23 [1461809] issue 3P4SKcpw7QtrU53s1oEz7XLF68rWUwcVxtm > SELF +99999000000.000000 SolarWaves

{ "type": 3, "id": "CzdUqheNYFgueXd7hCmD7idKbZqg7VqKNJh3npmjGQcj", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1554035018522, "version": 2, "sender": "3P4SKcpw7QtrU53s1oEz7XLF68rWUwcVxtm", "senderPublicKey": "3Fwvmd7MncNi2ZdNBQFGZUv9uzsLRscMxvfdwAsZuBB6", "proofs": [ "5prfjagtaFDozd33Q6vA8D7ZXAwEMRvrc5b3rGasRasKG6einqvut7i7i4vz8nRfMYLVR7B9ktSjdmrdqhrYCo8v" ], "assetId": "CzdUqheNYFgueXd7hCmD7idKbZqg7VqKNJh3npmjGQcj", "name": "SolarWaves", "quantity": 99999000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 6, "description": "Waves master nodes. We have a bank of Dell PowerEdge servers. Powered by solar during the day and battery by night. This coin will help run the first server. Any fees will give liquidity to bring the other servers online. Running master nodes is not profitable at the moment so any donations would be welcome. \n3P4SKcpw7QtrU53s1oEz7XLF68rWUwcVxtm", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1461809, "spentComplexity": 0 }

38.35 ms