tx · 9G13Cr2stqH9SwwjUqKD49dPy7L9XLqMx6bcALchGXaD

3PARWQsvMmnaBcYS9aNYJtEr3REY7QDgtHK:  +1000000 Entrd Apprentice
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2019.04.19 23:32 [1490073] issue 3PARWQsvMmnaBcYS9aNYJtEr3REY7QDgtHK > SELF +1000000 Entrd Apprentice

{ "type": 3, "id": "9G13Cr2stqH9SwwjUqKD49dPy7L9XLqMx6bcALchGXaD", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1555705950494, "version": 2, "sender": "3PARWQsvMmnaBcYS9aNYJtEr3REY7QDgtHK", "senderPublicKey": "96gRVbzkhJJSFiJJZ44MBpMsofYMYW3TQUX7fvfCEcCD", "proofs": [ "9cqjfrwCr4zfhaUx8yKTp3C9kLoiXL98GQc1nBtio559Yg3fx3Q3QjvgVreLGoBKoNPyb9R6FAwvjsm3AQCAsyH" ], "assetId": "9G13Cr2stqH9SwwjUqKD49dPy7L9XLqMx6bcALchGXaD", "name": "Entrd Apprentice", "quantity": 1000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 0, "description": "Entered Apprentice - Challenge Token\n\n\n1.How many Master Mason members of a Lodge must be present to “open” a Lodge of Entered Apprentices?\n\n2.Where does the Worshipful Master sit in the Lodge?\n \n3.Where does the Senior Warden sit in the Lodge?\n\n4.Where does the Junior Warden sit in the Lodge?\n\n5.What are the “Three Great Lights” of the Lodge?\n\n6.What do the “Three Lesser Lights” represent?\n\n7.What is a Hoodwink?\n\n8.What is a Cable-Tow?\n\n9.What does the open Bible or other Holy Scriptures signify in the Lodge?\n\n10.Who are the Patron Saints of Freemasonry\n\n11.What is the significance of the obligation?\n\n12.Why were you divested of all metallic substances?\n\n13.Why is the Entered Apprentice placed in the Northeast corner of the Lodge?\n\n14.What are the principle working tools of an Entered Apprentice?\n\n15.The Apron of an Entered Apprentice is turned which way?\n\nCollect All Tokens\nEntered Apprentice\nFellow Craft\nMaster Mason\n\nEmail info: [email protected] \nBrother Jerry/G\\JLK", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1490073, "spentComplexity": 0 }

38.28 ms