tx · G9iwkvyFcCjTiJQ223T1Y4nEYo8m168M6U4YP3giaVkg

3P4s5tj2ndsW2hkcF2UiumZypzzCQ6ttZdX:  +15000000000 SACHAVAXT
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2019.06.01 13:46 [1552274] issue 3P4s5tj2ndsW2hkcF2UiumZypzzCQ6ttZdX > SELF +15000000000 SACHAVAXT

{ "type": 3, "id": "G9iwkvyFcCjTiJQ223T1Y4nEYo8m168M6U4YP3giaVkg", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1559385972109, "version": 2, "sender": "3P4s5tj2ndsW2hkcF2UiumZypzzCQ6ttZdX", "senderPublicKey": "igkcnXgRvdvBNxt7M5oy2ECpVteDiEMGbnmMbbJj8TX", "proofs": [ "3fUS6DdHmZJTPcimLa6A5cx4QsKeNKfAdS3tCYLrfAMD841VNo7SDVeKLN9wkfpWDLWFaYfB4w1bvnCHmEdFq3MR" ], "assetId": "G9iwkvyFcCjTiJQ223T1Y4nEYo8m168M6U4YP3giaVkg", "name": "SACHAVAXT", "quantity": 15000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 0, "description": "SACHAVA EXTENDED TOKEN is the crypto-token that provides infrastructure for investments. Token creates an opportunity to gain access to collective investments. You can place funds, assets, \ncryptocurrencies on global and crypto markets for profit. Each operation of the placement of assets is recorded in the blockchain. The token is used as a part of the structure of Sachava Capital. The token allows access to investments for various categories of investors with different levels of capital like institutional investors, firms, small investors or households. Each token that an investor receives is secured by shares of the world's companies traded on the largest exchanges or other types of assets, such as securities, metals, cryptocurrency. It's a solution for investing combine the best technologies of hedge funds and crypto solutions for providing safety of investments. Please, visit https://sachavacapital.com for additional information.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1552274, "spentComplexity": 0 }

80.02 ms