2019.07.16 19:43 [1618420] issue 3PN94DuZPX37Hh1z5VYBmRr2Nr2kxkw1GiE > SELF +100000000.0000 Marquetis

{ "type": 3, "id": "7EBLv2mJbXXqVvechqt7eRKuQLDZK7TDugerjvpcMZqT", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1563295344780, "version": 2, "sender": "3PN94DuZPX37Hh1z5VYBmRr2Nr2kxkw1GiE", "senderPublicKey": "7eJc8ta4NyUBcqkCYL8csqJJ3u3GYQUKExgKYdktuCDc", "proofs": [ "DYHtv46oHt9i6fCMj7SL1b4wprH7uuoGeEcktr35uEqybfwYC2PWkR3m8vqLdVx1x4Mh7pR9UkWA4tb9MYH2yTv" ], "assetId": "7EBLv2mJbXXqVvechqt7eRKuQLDZK7TDugerjvpcMZqT", "name": "Marquetis", "quantity": 1000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 4, "description": "Marquestis offers the opportunity to receive a higher revenue percentage than has been traditionally possible using standard centralized Affiliate Marketing networks. Simply put, we share the profit with you, 30% from the profit goes to your pocket. More info: marquetis.ro", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1618420, "spentComplexity": 0 }

45.16 ms